The Clubtail

Long ago, the Taxlatl People's considerable civilization was all but wiped out by disease after first encounter with the newly Awakened Humans. Over the centuries that followed this catastrophe, the lizardfolk managed to not just rebuild, but to expand their reach across Cartyrion even further. Contributing to their success in this effort was their skill in selectively breeding creatures to enhance their use for transportation, defense, and exploration. One of the best examples of their efforts could be seen in a creature the Taxlatl called the Clubtail.


The Clubtail, or Bash-takh in the Taxlatl tongue, is a large quadruped reptile. Its limbs extend downward from the core skeleton (like a horse) rather than out to the sides before bending (like a lizard). The skin is covered by tightly packed nobby scales, except for the creature's back, which is protected by a thick carapace reminiscent of a turtle shell. This carapace extends over the shoulder and hip joints; its outer edge is lined with sharp spikes ranging from 4in to 12in (10cm to 30cm) in length.

The creature's neck extends approximately 2ft (60cm) forward of the carapace; the skull is thick and bony. Most of the strong, but quite flexible tail is covered by the nobby scales also found on legs and neck. The tip of the tail, however, ends in a bony, clublike appendage approximately 1ft (25cm) in diameter. The Clubtail is capable of whipping its tail from side to side to smash this club into any creatures attacking its flanks.

Use By the Taxlatl

The principle use for the Clubtail by the Taxlatl is as both a caravan pack animal and as a mount utilized by merchant caravan guards. When used as the former, the relatively flat carapace provides ample space to load cargo atop the creature, and the spikes provide perfect tie-off points for securing loads. A driver's saddle near the front of the carapace permits control of the creature.


Bash-takh in Taxlatl
quadruped, reptilian,
herbivorous, egg-laying
15-20ft (4.5-6m) head to tail
7.5ft (2m)
900-1100lbs (400-500kg)
Distinguishing Characteristics
Armored turtle-like carapace covering back; spike protrude outward from the edges of the carapace.

The tail is strong, but quite flexible, and ends in a bony club-like protuberance.

As a mount, saddles for up to three people can be secured to the carapace: one for a driver and two for armed - usually with bows or crossbows. Standard Taxlatl trade caravan organization calls for several such beasts to travel on either flank of the main caravan.

Historically, the Taxlatl military made use of Clubtails as cavalry mounts, but by the time of the Great Strife, they had successfully cross-bred the creatures with their larger, more formidable Armored Trihorns to create a truly fearsome wartime beast.


Clubtail Image by Michael from Pixabay[

Character portrait images by RPGDinosaurBob using HeroForge


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