Vampire Rabbit

Once the trees started to grow in the poisoned land that would become known as the Oakwood, it wasn't long before wildlife began to establish itself once more. Sadly, the taint of the Wasting still pervaded the land, corrupting the creatures that dared to return. Perhaps the most grotesque result of this corruption was the transformation of the common woodland bunny into the fearsome creature known as the Vampire Rabbit.

The persistent corruption in the region resulted in significant mutations to these creatures, leaving them as horrid caricatures of the cute creatures they descend from. Their overall size increased significantly - almost to the size of small black bear. A typical Vampire Rabbit can weigh up to 100 lbs (45 kg). They did not grow proportionally, though. Their hind legs are so oversized that when sitting, their bent knees are taller than their heads. Their ears, which can reach lengths of 4ft (120cm) or more, drape backwards over their bodies, draping over their tails. But the most fearsome mutation of the creatures is that where common rabbits have a large pair of incisor teeth for gnawing, these have two long needle-like teeth for puncturing prey -- the Vampire Rabbit feeds exclusively on fresh, warm blood of its victims.

The creatures, which despite their name are not undead, attack their prey by leaping and pouncing from a distance, using their muscular ears to wrap their prey and hold it fast while they puncture its body and begin to suck blood. The needle-like teeth inject an anti-coagulant into the victims; even creatures that escape the strong grasp of the ears are likely to bleed to death as they flee.
Vampire Rabbit
Alternate Name/Nickname
Leaper, Bloodbunny
30ft (jump: up to 60ft horizontal or 20ft vertical)
Rare: Oakwood Forest

Gamemaster Notes

Encounters are typically with a single Vampire Rabbit, though a mating pair is possible - and if encountered, there will be 6-8 juveniles present as well.
Laurels & Loot Statblock
Stamina Points:16
Injury Points:8 (Creatures will attempt to flee combat if they reach 5 Injury Points)

Leap and Grasp: The initial attack of a Vampire Rabbit involves it leaping from a distance. As it does so, it will extend its ears forward to wrap up its target. A DC16 DEX save is required to avoid becoming Restrained by this attack - if the Vampire Rabbit has Surprise, this increases to DC20.

Puncture: 1 Direct Damage (ignores any armor bonus if the target is Restrained).
Blood Drain: 1d6 damage (suffered on round of successful Puncture and every round after that target is engaged with creature).
Blood Loss: after escaping the grasp of the creature, a punctured victim suffers 1d4 damage per round until the bleeding can be stopped. This damage ignores all mitigating modifiers.



Side Panel Image by Dorothe from Pixabay
Banner Image from Pixabay (No creator cited there!)


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