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A fully democratic country that is comprised of many overlapping regions of different types with Barons looking over them.  A region here is defined differently than other places.  Here, a region is any city or group of neighboring cities that can be proven as needing sufficiently different policies from nearby cities in any way, such as militant, trade, industrial, agricultural, or racial.  For example, if a city is being raided by the Winter Tribes, but is part of a region where other cities aren't, it exits that militant region.  If the city borders a militant region that would cater to their needs, it then joins that region, but if not it creates its own.  If there is a region nearby that fits their needs, the city must join that region.  However, the other regions it is a part of do not change.  Every time a new region forms, a Baron for that region is elected, with subsequent Barons being their descendants.


Different regions of different types have Barons, who oversee Surveyors, who survey the areas of the Baron's, learning the concerns of the commoners, and more data on the area. The Barons represent each region in Parliament, which makes laws and manages the military. Each Baron is supposed to push for laws that benefit their region.


Many castles, roads, metals, machines, magic items, and armies.


Originally Norwild was a group of independent kingdoms who were under threat of being taken over by the Forgotten Kingdom, so they joined into Norwild.  The original regions were the remains of the original kingdoms, with the Barons as those kingdom's former rulers.  The region's flexibility was originally in the constitution, but the different purposes of regions was not as diverse.  The first agricultural zone came after a group of cities decided to stop farming and leave that to other cities.  This sort of specialization was a success, and led to the specialization of other regions.  The original regions are now considered militant regions.

Demography and Population

The population is primarily Gnomes and Dwarves, and is more or less evenly divided across the land.


Norwild owns all the territory on Wintsuucidon north of the Blightward and south of the Frozen Ocean.


Each militant region has its own militia which defends and polices it.

Technological Level

Any technologies regarding metalworking are seen to be a person's right, and any person looking for a foundry and metal to work with will find it.


Nearly every god is worshipped here, and this county has the highest concentration of worshippers of The Sky.

Foreign Relations

They are technically at war with both the Winter Tribes and Sulwint, and are raided by the Winter Tribes nearly constantly, but are on peaceful terms with nearly everyone else.

Agriculture & Industry

They cultivate many rare and otherwise unknown metal growing plants, growing iron, bronze, tin, aluminum, and lead, which concentrate the elements already found in rock, meaning that they can get a lot more minerals from rocks. They mine stone, crush it, and bury it in the ground near the plants, wait a few months, and unearth the minerals which have coalesced in the roots of the plants. They then use the metals in their statues, machines, and other metal goods.

Trade & Transport

They import most foods, and export nearly any metal goods. Any magical trade is a rarity, as they tend to prize their own magical items and don't trust outside magical items.


Depends on the educational region. Education ranges from 20 year courses educating citizens on history, mathematics, science, magic, metalworking, botany, and language arts, to two year courses focusing on metalworking, math, and basic reading and writing. The only standards are basic arithmetic, basic literacy in one language, and basic metalworking.


They have many foundries which they use to purify metals they can't grow, metal farms, and quarries. Any large cities have advanced defenses, aqueducts, and sewage systems. Many smaller cities have the same systems, and without farming there isn't much rural area. Where there aren't cities, there is either paved roads or untouched wilderness.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
They use the common coin currency.
Major Exports
Machines and other metal goods.
Major Imports
Legislative Body
The Barons in the body of Parliament created laws.
Judicial Body
Surveyors interpret the laws and settle legal disputes that aren't settled out of court.
Neighboring Nations


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