Anchorloft Isle

Anchorloft Isle is a dynamic and vibrant floating city, home to approximately 8,000 inhabitants. This unique settlement consists of a vast flotilla of interconnected ships and floating platforms that traverse the world's oceans. The population is diverse, with a mix of humans, half-elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and other races like tabaxi and tieflings. The social structure is predominantly middle class, supported by communal resource sharing, with distinct upper-class merchant families and lower-class laborers and fishermen.
  The governance of Anchorloft Isle is managed by the Council of Waves, a democratic body of ten influential members, including captains, merchants, mages, and priests. The council is led during emergencies by High Captain Maron Galeforce, a seasoned sailor known for his strategic brilliance and heroic exploits. Other notable members include Mistress Liora Wavebinder, a powerful mage and principal of Wave Echo Academy; Priestess Selene Stormcaller, a respected spiritual leader with prophetic abilities; and Captain Elara Stormwind, a master navigator and trader with a mysterious past.
  Anchorloft Isle is divided into several distinct districts, each serving a specific purpose. The High Captian Ship acts as the central administrative and commercial hub, while the Driftwood Market is the bustling heart of trade and commerce. The Temple Quarter houses the temples of Umberlee, Talos, and Valkur, reflecting the deep spiritual connection the inhabitants have with the sea. Shipwright's Row is dedicated to the construction and repair of vessels, ensuring the flotilla remains seaworthy and defensible. Wave Echo Academy serves as the educational district, training the next generation of navigators and spellcasters. The Residential Quarters provide living areas for the citizens, and The Anchorage offers housing for transient visitors and land dwellers.
  Anchorloft Isle boasts impressive infrastructure and assets. The floating platforms are connected by wooden bridges and rope walkways, creating a cohesive cityscape. Docking facilities accommodate various ship sizes, including dry docks for repairs. Water filtration systems, both magical and mechanical, ensure a fresh water supply. Communication towers equipped with sending stones and other magical means facilitate long-distance communication. Additionally, the flotilla is protected by Marine Ward Runes, Barnacle Golems, Elemental Cannons, and the formidable Guardian of the Depths.
  The city's economy thrives on fishing, piracy, legitimate trade, ship-building, marine agriculture, and artifact recovery. Key exports include exotic fish, pearls, seaweed, and enchanted items. Anchorloft Isle is also home to several prominent organizations, each with a significant presence. The Aqua Alchemists Guild, led by Master Alchemist Selene "Tidalbrew" Firth, is located near Wave Echo Academy and focuses on underwater alchemy. The Maritime Marshals, led by Admiral Helena "Ironwave" Stalwart, are based near the central defense platforms and protect the flotilla from threats. The Wreck Retrievers, led by Captain Orion "Deepdive" Nautica, operate near the Moonpool Chambers, specializing in underwater salvage operations. The Silent Current, a smuggling organization led by Captain Lysandra "Whispering Moon" Malinov, conducts covert operations near the Driftwood Market. The Dark Tide, an infamous pirate group led by Pirate King Captain Samuel "Ironheart" Rodriguez, operates from a hidden section of the flotilla. The Shadowhunters, a bounty hunter organization led by Lord Valerian Shadowcaster, blend in with the populace while tracking elusive targets.
  Anchorloft Isle's history is rich with tales of adventure and resilience. Founded by a coalition of pirate captains seeking a safe haven, it has evolved into a thriving city that attracts merchants, craftsmen, and adventurers. Significant events include the annual Tide's Blessing festival, the discovery of Abyssal Secrets, and the ancient pact with the Guardian of the Depths. Points of interest include the administrative High Captian Ship, the bustling Driftwood Market, the central Temple of Umberlee, the educational Wave Echo Academy, the neutral Black Anchor Tavern, and the AquaPass Maritime Coalition Headquarters.
  Tourism flourishes on Anchorloft Isle, with attractions such as unique marine life, vibrant markets, and cultural festivals. Guided tours of the flotilla and underwater ruins offer visitors a glimpse into the city's rich heritage. The architectural style is a blend of nautical and medieval, with structures built from ship parts and driftwood, featuring rope bridges, lookout towers, and magical enhancements. Natural resources are abundant, including diverse fish populations, coral reefs, kelp forests, pearls cultivated in underwater gardens, and minerals retrieved from the ocean floor by Deepsea Harvesters.


Social Structure:
Predominantly middle class due to the communal sharing of resources, with smaller upper-class merchant families and lower-class laborers and fishermen.


Council of Waves: A democratic body consisting of 10 members, including influential captains, merchants, mages, and priests. High Captain: Elected leader during emergencies or significant decisions, usually one of the senior members of the Council. Elections: Held every 5 years, ensuring new voices and perspectives can influence governance.


Marine Ward Runes: Protective enchantments on ship hulls. Barnacle Golems: Animated crustacean-like creatures for underwater defense. Mistweavers: Mages specializing in fog and mist manipulation. Waveguard: Elite naval warriors trained in both surface and underwater combat. Elemental Cannons: Magic-infused cannons that can shoot elemental projectiles. Guardian of the Depths: A pact with a powerful sea creature for protection.

Industry & Trade

Primary Industries: Fishing, trade, piracy, marine agriculture. Secondary Industries: Ship-building, artifact retrieval, underwater mining. Major Trade Goods: Exotic fish, pearls, rare corals, magical artifacts, kelp products.


Floating Platforms: Interconnected barges and ships that form the main living areas. The High Captian Ship: The largest ship, acting as the central hub for administration and commerce. Waterways and Bridges: Rope and wooden bridges, along with small watercraft, connect the various parts of the city. Desalination Plants: Magical and mechanical systems provide fresh water from the sea. Waste Management: Efficient systems for handling waste, including recycling organic material as fertilizer for marine farms.


The Heart: Central district on The High Captian Ship, housing government buildings and major markets. Driftwood Market: The bustling heart of trade and commerce. Temple Quarter: Home to the temples of Umberlee, Talos, and Valkur. Shipwright's Row: Where ships are built and repaired. Wave Echo Academy: The educational district for navigation and arcane studies. Residential Quarters: Living areas for the citizens, divided by social status and profession. The Anchorage: Housing for transient visitors and land dwellers. AquaPass Maritime Coalition Headquarters: Located near the Driftwood Market, this is where representatives from various allied ships and trade coalitions meet to discuss policies, trade agreements, and mutual defense strategies.


Ships and Boats: From small fishing vessels to large trade galleons. Marine Farms: Cultivating seaweed, kelp, and aquatic plants. Treasures and Artifacts: Recovered from sunken ships and ruins. Skilled Craftsmen: Renowned shipbuilders, navigators, and alchemists.

Guilds and Factions

The Aqua Alchemists Guild (Harvest)
Location: Near Wave Echo Academy, where they have access to both academic resources and underwater harvesting sites.
The Maritime Marshals (Raiding)
Location: Near the central defense platforms, they act as protectors against pirates and other threats.
The Wreck Retrievers (Salvage)
Location: Near the Moonpool Chambers, providing easy access to underwater salvage operations.
The Silent Current (Smuggling)
Location: Near the Driftwood Market, blending in with legitimate traders while conducting covert operations.
The Dark Tide (Pirate)
Location: Operating from a hidden section of the flotilla, often at odds with the authorities and other factions.
Shadowhunters (Bounty Hunter)
Location: An inconspicuous section of the flotilla, blending in with the populace but ever watchful for their targets.

Points of interest

Driftwood Market: A vibrant, bustling marketplace. Temple of Umberlee: The central place of worship. Wave Echo Academy: A center for learning and arcane study. The Black Anchor Tavern: A neutral ground for deals and negotiations. AquaPass Maritime Coalition Headquarters: The central hub for maritime coalition activities and policies.


Attractions: Unique marine life, vibrant markets, cultural festivals. Tours: Guided tours of the flotilla and underwater ruins. Accommodations: The Anchorage offers housing for visitors.


Style: A blend of nautical and medieval styles, with structures built from ship parts and driftwood. Materials: Predominantly wood, with some metal reinforcements. Features: Rope bridges, lookout towers, and magical enhancements.

Natural Resources

Marine Life: Diverse fish populations, coral reefs, and kelp forests. Pearls: Cultivated in underwater gardens. Seaweed: Harvested for food, medicine, and crafting. Minerals: Retrieved from the ocean floor by Deepsea Harvesters.
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
45% Humans, 20% Half-Elves, 15% Dwarves, 10% Halflings, 5% Gnomes, 5% Others (including Tabaxi, Tieflings, and others)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo