A Letter from Chagroth Durinhelm to Lord Ion the Evoker

Lord Ion,   I see that you have opened the scroll. That is good, since I suspect that this will involve you. I have received strange reports from the stations around the Kirinal Pit.   As you know, since I drained off the Pit's excess energies, the mists that used to shroud the Pit have begun to recede. Some of the guards have reported seeing a city among the mists. They claim that it is Kirinal.   When you and your associates are done with your duties in the north, I think it would be best if you investigated what was going on.   I will try to gather more information, but as you know, the Pit repels any attempts to scry it magically. Also, I would not suggest attempting to fly over or into it. The winds are still unpredictable and if you used a magical means of flight, you might be subject to wild magic surges.   Let me know when you are ready to mount an expedition. I will help any way that I can.   Chagroth Durinhelm Duke of the Silver Range Chancellor of Wizard’s Peak University
Text, Letter
Crystal, Magical

Cover image: World of Wizard's Peak Generic Header by Gillian Galang


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