Concordant Academy of Command

This is a working draft of this article! The final images, edits, and CSS are still coming. If the article looks crazy, that will be why!

Cadets! Welcome back to Gold Arrow Station! It is good to see so many familiar faces, and even more, to witness your commitment to the Concordance. The next 12 weeks will be the most challenging of your lives. But on this anvil, you will be forged into the leaders that the Concordance for Survival needs!

I recognize some of you from when you were Pit-Meat. I'm shocked that a few of you lived to make it here today! Years ago, they tried to send me through War College. I wasn't dumb enough to say yes! Now, when you're done, I'll have to salute you! Until then, you still answer to me!

The Concordant Academy of Command of the Concordance for Survival is a training program for veterans who have served in one of the branches of the Kirinal Defenders. They are required to complete the course to become an officer in any of the armies surrounding the Kirinal Pit.

The academy's purpose is clear: to instill in its cadets that the mission to contain the Kirinal Pit takes precedence over all worldly concerns or political conflicts. The survival of not just Erathia, but countless other worlds across the multiverse, hinges on their ability to set aside personal ambition, national loyalties, and political squabbles.

In the Pit We Are Forged, For the Future We Stand.

Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
Gold Arrow War College, Concordance Cadet Training
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization

Meet Upsilon Squad

Sgt. Gunuk the Warped by Chris L

Quote: "Save your pity for those who stand against me."

Voted: Most likely to succeed

Sgt. Gunuk the Warped

Artillerist, Winter's Horde

Skygirl Pepita Buenconsejo by Chris L

Quote: "They said I have too many tattoos and too much attitude. I'm still here."

Voted: Most athletic

Skygirl Pepita Buenconsejo

Marine, Kirinal Garrison

Necrokid the Nightling by Chris L

Quote: I love the dead, that's why I make more of them.

Voted: Biggest prankster

Necrokid the Nightling

Apprentice, Magister's Command

Lady Lilith Jakel by Chris L

Quote: This school is just a rung on the ladder to my birthright.

Voted: Best hair

Lady Lilith Jakel

Red Sorceress, Legions of Light

Squire Of the Mealworm Reborn by Chris L

Quote: I feel sorry for the things that happened to Mealworm. That isn't me. I'm Reborn.

Voted: Most caring

Squire Mealworm Reborn

Silver Squire, Eldritch Army

Cpl. La Maleros by Chris L

Quote: If I want the best weapons, I have to go to this school.

Voted: Most ambitious

Cpl. La Maleros

Hammer, Hex Crystal Battalion

Sir Guimar Steel by Chris L

Quote: Of course, I wear heels, every inch counts honey!

Voted: Best dressed

Sir Guimar Steel

Paladin, Tridenser Host

Lt. Little Moon by Chris L

Quote: I hope to do right by House Lapin and my Momma Bunny.

Voted: Best eyes

Lt. Little Moon

Jr. Owsla, Thayan Armada

Orientation Day

Instructor of Recruits Instructing by Chris L

Every decision you make can affect the fate of entire planes of reality. As officers, you must rise above the chaos of battle and the distractions of diplomacy.

You must embrace one truth:
The Pit must be contained.

Sgt Kill Flayer Talks by Chris L

These 12 weeks at Gold Arrow Training Facility will turn you into true leaders. Or they will break you.

I will test your physical endurance. Instructor will measure your strategic thinking. Both of us will measure your mental toughness and capacity to lead.

Cadet Gunuk by Chris L

I’ve been at the Station since I was fresh Pit Meat. My warband, the HHH, runs the checkpoint on the trains and skyships that come down the Gold Arrow River.

I’m in one of the so-called “Unity Squads” where they put in a soldier from each of the Cantons. I’ve been around long enough to know we’re just as likely to kill each other as we are to become a team.

Either way’s fine by me. Ain’t nothin can stand up to my chainguns!

Training Begins

The first thing we do is place you into squads mixed together for maximum success. Some will be "unity squads", made up of representatives of each of the Eight Cantons of the Kirinal Concordance Zone.

Squad placement is vital here at CAC. You will pass or fail together.

If one member fails, the entire squad washes out of the Academy.

Squads are given a name according to an archaic alphabet: Alpha, Beta, etc.

The Upsilon "Unity" Squads are rumored to be made up of either the most promising or most dangerous cadets entering that class.

I'll tell you right now. It's not a rumor. It's true.

Once the assessments are complete, the cadets are put through history classes about the Kirinal Catastrophes, the history of the Concordance, and of each of the Bad Shatters.

Cadet Necrokid by Chris L

I knew that they would strip me of my magisterial garb. I retain my Dark Banner and Bone Mask as is my right. Wearing these mortal garments is a price I am willing to pay for the power I seek.

They begin our trials with a maze and an obstacle course. I am not allowed to use my undead minions. They force me to exercise this physical form, this prison of flesh that I am trapped in. My wit and will handily solve the maze. My corporeal form is humbled by the course.

— The Journal of Necrokid the Nightling

Building Bonds

Cadet Lilith by Chris L

I am, of course, a great proponent of the Concordance and all that it stands for. My family has greatly profited from its existence! To become an officer, I knew I would eventually have to mix with the hoi polloi.

Unfortunately, finishing school did not prepare me for the reality of living with a talking rabbit, an axe-wielding turtle, and an orc in a wheelchair.

Nevertheless, a Jekel always perseveres. I get down into the muck. I rub shoulders with the pirate girl and the awful little necromancer. As always, I put on a good show.

— Lady Lilith Jekel

You will be spending the next few weeks are spent on squad and patrol exercises. You will each be given command of your squad and lead them through various exercises.

And this is where the fun stuff starts! You'll be learning how to call in artillery strikes from the skyships and the big guns! We have a Finder coming to teach you multiversal navigation!

You will be rules of warfare across different planes from an expert in negotiation and the Blood War.

You get to cross-train each other in the methods, weaponry, and personnel about their own military. I can't wait to see Necrokd try to pick up a bastard sword!

Hello and welcome to my little class on etiquette and interdimensional conflict! I am Titivilus, your friendly neighborhood Ambassador of Hell. I'd love to talk to you afterwards about your ambitions and whatever it is your little hearts desire!

Real Leadership

Congratulations cadets on making it to the halfway point of the Academy. In the upcoming weeks you will join the Kirinal Divers as they survey the day's Manifest

I know some of you don't leave your own Cantons that much. We're going to change that.

You will travel through the Kirinal Wastes to shoot at Wasteland Bats and visit the Anomalous Forest to hunt Shatter-Kith. You will walk the length of the Pit Wall and ride the entirety of the Inner and Outer Rings.

Tour of Lost Worlds

Concordant Finder, Shepherd Numan by Chris L - Heroforge

Greetings cadets, I am Concordant Beacon Finder Numan! I am here to complete your training on multiversal navigation.

We will travel by portal, through dimensional doorways, and down the branches of the world trees! Along the way, I'll be taking you on a "Tour of Lost Worlds".

We'll visit an assortment of worlds that have suffered a variety of apocalypses. You will find out how those world's failed firsthand. Learn the lessons so that our civilization will survive and thrive!

Cadet Guimar by Chris L

As a Tridenser Knight, I've served with plenty of soulforged, but I've never met one as sassy as Finder Numan! I started that tour as my normal flirty self, but I soon learned that the trip was all work and no play.

We visited realms that had fallen to shadow. Worlds decimated by the Blood War. We saved survivors of a zombie apocalypse. We watched the radiation of dead stars rain on our magical fields. For the first time, I really understood what we fight for.

— Sir Guimar Steel

Unity Patrol Group Shot by Chris L

The Final Challenge

You have entered the final weeks of CAC! We will put you through your last round of testing and physical assessments. Your final exam will be a practical test. Your squad will be stranded on a random plane in the multiverse. Your goal will be to return to Gold Arrow Station by the end of the week.

If you don't return, we'll send a Finder to retrieve you. If you're still alive, you'll be permitted to go through CAC in a year's time.

And to answer the question in your heads: Yes. There are squads who have never returned.

The Cracked Mirror

The artifact that sends the squads to a random plane is called the Cracked Mirror. It sits in the CAC headquarters protected by powerful abjurations. Those that look deeply into the Cracked Mirror can see alternate versions of themselves, living lives that they could have had.

I am a Tridenser Knight from another land.

Pepita Guimar by Chris L

I am an orc warrior born with a broken body.

Pepita Gunuk by Chris L

I am a tortoise soldier who escaped the mad emperor.

Pepita La by Chris L

I am a rabbit from the Shattered Moon.

Pepita Lil Moon by Chris L

I am a noble born with extraordinary privilege and overwhelming responsibilities.

Pepita Lilith by Chris L

I am a maimed necromancer who hides behind cruelty.

Pepita Necrokid by Chris L

I am a goblin reborn.

Pepita Reborn by Chris L

The mirror shows me what I could have been.

Pepita Cracked Mirror by Chris L

I see worlds where I lived the life of my squadmates and they lived mine.

— Skygirl Pepita

Commissioning Day

Cadets, congratulations on surviving the trials! You have proven yourselves worthy of being Kirinal Defender officers and maharlikans!

However, your real trials begin now! Each of you will be choosing which branch you will serve in. Choose wisely!

I've never seen a sorrier or luckier lot of ne'er-do-wells in all my years as a soldier. I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you!

But dont' get too cocky! Enjoy your Commissioning Day. Celebrate! You've earned it. But once the hangovers wear off, I'll see you on the Wall!

Tonight, you will dine with your friends and family.

Once you've stuffed yourselves, head over to the Silver Gate District and tell them Sarge sent you. First rounds on me! Make sure you have some balut for me and if you wake up with some new tattoos in the wrong bed, that just means you did it right!

Cadet Reborn by Chris L

Since my return, I have not known who I really am. Mealworm still haunted my dreams. Now, perhaps, my new life will truly begin.

— Mealworm Reborn

Cover image: Concordant Academy of Command Header by Chris L


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Sep 15, 2024 11:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Love how this is coming along so far. I really enjoy that some of it is coming from the mouths of the Instructor of Recruits and Sgt. Kill Flayer themselves. The squad are comprised of some fun characters too.

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