Lance Uppercut

Lord Lanzo Bass von Razak (a.k.a. Lance Uppercut)

An aasimar born in Razakstad, Grand Duchy of Molndal, Lance was groomed for greatness from birth. He wants nothing to do with any of that and would rather explore the world and party with his friends. He's a great disappointment to his family and those who raised him.

His family, House Razak, doesn't know what to do with him. The only one who understood him was his tiefling cousin, Harmony Tun-Razak.

Recent Developments

After joining the Blackjack Trading Troupe, Lance has displayed great acumen as a businessman. He has finally claimed the title, Earl of Razakstad, and is engaged to marry Paz Ionite.

He has aknowledged paternity of five of his bastards and is seeking out the other five that are rumored to be littered around the world in the wake of his journeys.

Lance does what Lance wants, but his family wants him to do other stuff. Sad.

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Circumstances of Birth

Born to great fanfare under an eclipse of the moon.

Long and silver.
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Cover image: by Chris L - Heroforge


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