
Here in the Kirinal Concordance Zone, the manifestation of a new world in the Kirinal Pit is literally an everyday occurfence for us. For sophonts experiencing the translocation for the first time, the experience can be terrifying, unsettling, and disastrous! Fortunately, we Kirinalos are quite experienced in dealing with traumatized civilizations. We can quickly assess whether they are threats to be contained, potential trading partners, or people in need of rescue.

Instructor of Recruits

I don't blame the poor bastards for being frightened when they wake up on a whole other world! You'd be surprised how many civilizations out there don't even know that the multiverse exists! It usually takes a few hours of negotiations, but once they realize that there's money to be made, they usually cheer right up!

As the Days of the Week pass a different world, the Manifest appears within the confines of the Kirinal Pit. The entire economy and culture of the Kirinal Concordance Zone are oriented towards protecting the world from this threat and/or utilizing this multiversal resource.

For sentient beings in the Manifest itself, the translocation can be a traumatizing and life-changing experience. Most of the Manifested return home to their world when it snaps back to where it came from at the following dawn. Some few remain in the Zone, sometimes by accident, usually on purpose. These "isekai" are welcomed to Kirinalo society as potential new Maharlikans.

The Morning of Manifestation

Like most mornings, I was up before dawn to make my deliveries down at the Noxhaven Port. Just as the sun began to rise, a dome of red light covered the city and I swear I could see stars and worlds flashing by as our city... moved.

Suddenly we found ourselves under different skies with a different sun. Our city was surrounded on all sides by an immense wall manned by otherworldly soldiers and great war machines floating above them.

Our great roads and bridges were cut, as if by a razor, at the boundary of the new world we had entered. At first, we feared for our lives, but the Kirinalos great arcane arts allowed them to speak to us in our own language. They presented us with their so-called "Metropolis Manifest" and offered to trade with us.

And that's how I ended up delivering fish on another world for a day!

Metaphysical, Arcane


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Jul 21, 2024 17:07 by E. Christopher Clark

I love that last line—"And that's how I ended up delivering fish on another world for a day!" Totally made me smile, the way that Sarge's prediction came true and that lots of folks get over the initial shock and have themselves a good time.

Enroll in Yesterland Academy today!
Jul 21, 2024 19:55 by Chris L

As always, when people realize that there's money to be made, they calm TF down!

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