History of Lozar

  • 1074 FA

    19 /7

    Founding of Kirinal
    Lost Kirinal
    More reading
    Kirinal Pit
    Additional timelines
  • 1322 FA

    1322 FA

    Founding of Lozarian Kingdom
  • 1322 FA

    1619 FA

    Early Lozar
    Era beginning/end

  • 1619 FA

    1639 FA

    Reign of King Amaston the Red - The First Tridenser King
    Political event

    Amaston the Red was the first paladin. A warrior of great prowess, he called on Anam in a time of great need and was gifted with the power to call on divine power in battle. When the king of Lozar died without an heir, Anam declared that the next king would prove themselves worthy by being able to bear his personal weapon in combat.

    The Ruby Tridenser appeared in the center of the city of Kirinal. Every show off and would be king in town attempted to lift it, but all failed. Eventually, with a prayer to his patron, Amaston bore the sword aloft and was proclaimed the new King of Lozar.

  • 1639 FA

    1985 FA

    The Old Kingdom
    Era beginning/end

  • 1985 FA

    2002 FA

    Rise of the Eternal Paladins
    Era beginning/end

  • 1985 FA

    1985 FA

    Coronation of King T'Kor, the Golden Tridenser
    Political event

  • 2002 FA

    2107 FA

    Sahuagin War/Hundred Year War
    Military action

    For a hundred years, the Sahuagin Empire waged war with every nation on the Talinian Ocean, taking slaves and pillaging every ship sailing above them.

    Eventually, the Kingdom of Lozar led an alliance that destroyed the Sahuagin Empire.

    Talinian Ocean
  • 2092 FA

    Kingdom of Molndal Joins the Kingdom of Lozar
    Political event

    After decades of a losing war against the Sahuagin Empire's invaders from the sea, the last King of Molndal and Grandmaster of The Order of Light died in battle trying to retake the main port city of Morozzo.   In desperation, they offered the throne to the immortal King T'Kor, the son of a Molndalian princess. He accepted, bringing the kingdom under the protection of the Lozarian Navy.

    Additional timelines
  • 2107 FA

    3000 FA

    Pax Lozaria
    Era beginning/end

    A millenia of peace under the reign of the Tridenser King and his Order of Tridensers.   The Order of Light and the Red Lancers functioned in the shadows of the glory of the Tridenser Paladins.

    Additional timelines
  • 2997 FA

    19 /1

    Founding of Wizard's Peak Academy
  • 3000 FA

    3005 FA

    The Lichwars
    Military action

  • 3005 FA

    27 /6

    The Disintegration of Kirinal
    Disaster / Destruction

    The final battle of The Lichwars  ended with an explosion of wild magic, the destruction of the city of Kirinal and the creation of The Kirinal Pit .

  • 3006 FA

    Assassination of Vasilius Molndal
    Life, Death

    Duke Vasilius Molndal, General of the Armies of the North and Grandmaster of the Order of Light is the strongest contender for the crown of Lozar. He would be the first Molndalian King of Lozar.   He and his personal guards are assassinated by agents of Duke Redoak, the next best contender to become King.   His death begins the Succession Wars for the throne of Lozar.

    Additional timelines
  • 3006 FA

    3009 FA

    Lozarian Succession Wars
    Military action

    In the aftermath of the Lichwars and the Disintegration of Kirinal, the remaining lords wage to war to determine the first new King of Lozar in a millennia.
    The Contenders

    • Lord Vasilius Molndal, General of the Northern Armies and Grandmaster of The Order of Light. A hero of the Lichwars, he was the strongest candidate, with a bloodline linked to the mother of King T'kor.
    • Baron Meinke of Equalian, General of the Eastern Armies which fought the hardest battles on the most difficult front of the war. His family descended from Loz's old Numorian bloodline.
    • Duke Redoak of Taristrae, Admiral of the Lozarian Navy who had the support of the merchants and tradesmen. His family claimed descent from King Amaston the Red.
    • Sir Borland, a Knight Banneret of the Tridenser from a minor branch of T'Kor's family. He lost his left arm in the war and was beloved by the common people.
    Additional timelines
  • 3009 FA

    3018 FA

    Reign of King Borland
    Political event
  • 3021 FA

    3025 FA

    Political event
  • 3027 FA

    3027 FA

    War Against the Overmind
    Geological / environmental event

    In this year, the sun waned unnaturally as the mind flayers plotted to drain it's power to charge an extraplanar engine designed to bring back the Illithid Empire.   A band of adventurers stopped their plot and traveled to the ancestral world of the illithids to finally destroy the engine.

  • 3028 FA

    3028 FA

    Founding of Greystone Barony

  • 3030 FA

    3030 FA

    Discharging the Kirinal Pit
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The first attempt by the Archmage Chagroth Durinhelm to tame the chaos and wild magic surging out of the Kirinal Pit. The necromancer Dolgathan interrupted the ritual, drawing off a portion of the wild magic to empower a kaiju zombie made from the Dead of Kirinal. As the Lords of Greystone fought the Dead he used the distraction to accomplish his real goal, his transformation into a dracolich.   In the end, after the Dead were put back to rest and the new dracolich driven off, the ritual succeeded, stabilizing the Pit, for a time.

    Additional timelines
  • 3035 FA

    3060 FA

    World at War Against the Far Realm
    Military action
  • 3035 FA

    24 /4
    3035 FA

    NIght of the Shattered Moon
    Geological / environmental event
  • 3040 FA

    32 /7

    The Kirinal Explosion
    Disaster / Destruction

    Five years into the War Against the Far Realm, the forces of Erathia suffered their worst defeat. Multiple planar breaches opened simultaneously in the Kirinal Pit, causing a massive explosion that destroyed the fortresses on it's rim an widening it from 20 miles to 30 miles.   All magic in the world failed for 24 hours, the Day of Dispelling. All portals closed. Wards and enchantments everywhere, some that had stood for millenia, ended. When magic came back, the portals reopened and the hordes and armies from many worlds poured out.   Internal fighting amongst the invading forces gave the defenders of Erathia enough time to organize a defense and form a new line.

    Kirinal Pit
  • 3043 FA

    31 /7

    Day of Concordance

    Three years after the Kirinal Explosion as Lozar and its allies faced defeat against the Far Realms their greatest enemies arrived to turn the tide and throw back the interplanar invaders. In exchange, Kiris and Borthakar were given a place at the Kirinal Pit and control of two fortresses and the lands associated with them.

    Kirinal Pit
  • 3060 FA

    3100 FA

    Creation of the Orrery of Worlds
    Technological achievement

    Decades in the making, construction of the Orrery of Worlds is completed in 3100, allowing the Navigator of Worlds to have a measure of control over what plane manifests in the The Kirinal Pit every day.

  • 3060 FA

    17 /7

    Naraky's Second Egg
    Religious event

    The god Naraky repeated his very first trick, Naraky's First Egg.   He exchanged the unborn abomination inside the world with the contents of a hen's egg and lured the Elder Gods of the Far Realm away from the world.   Naraky tricked the Elder Gods into thinking that a hen's egg was the world egg. When they marched on the hen's egg, the gods closed off the world to all deities.   Both stories are true.

    Additional timelines
  • 3060 FA

    19 /7
    3060 FA

    The Gods Withdraw
    Religious event

    The gods left the mortal realm, dragging the Great Old Ones along with them. They locked the world of Erathia behind a Divine Gate. No being with the power of a god may abide in the mortal world. The power of the Gate draws them into the Outer Planes where they belong.

  • 3060 FA

    25 /7

    The First Soulforged Is Born
    Life, Birth
  • 3065 FA

    Founding of the Sovranty of Lozar
    Political event

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