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Virovirie: Preparers, Supervisors, Authors

For such a large sway over the events of geopolitics, for all the acknowledgment and respect of the heads of state, the Harmony Hunters have surprisingly little popular acclaim. Most people know they exist, but not precisely what they do. One can live one's entire live in Wouraiya without seeing evidence of the Harmony Hunters. This, perhaps, is thanks to the hard work and authority of the virovirie.


Virovirie are sent directly from the headquarters of the Harmony Hunters to deal with the problems of the local branches. Problems vary from a certain mission going awry, to someone's identity being spotted, to an uncooperative local government. Problems could be as trivial as one member losing grip on reality, but leadership values the time of the virovirie highly, and the abuse of that time accordingly. The virovirie have permission to take as much administrative authority as they need to settle a situation. In the most drastic case, this includes taking over command of an entire branch.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The virovirie don't have a standard uniform; in fact, they are encouraged to wear the same style of garments as the people in which they mingle. Those who mingle with lords dress like lords; with nomads, like nomads, etc. This isn't to say that they are required to wear anything specific; they stand in a position where they control their daily routine. Before they leave, they have access to the wardrobes of all the cultures in the world through the headquarters of the Harmony Hunters. As a general rule, virovirie don't carry suspicious weapons but maintain a zinc badge on them as a symbol of their authority.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Virovirie must step down immediately once a situation is handled, and must be removed upon any delay or refusal. The only one who could effectively remove a rogue virovirie is a loyal virovirie. A director of the Harmony Hunters stepping in to handle a problem with a local branch, while not unheard of, would be tantamount to civil war across the entire organization. Thankfully, the loyal virovirie are supplied with enough contacts and preparation to make a clean transition of power.
Form of Address
Sir Chief
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