Lightweight Boots of the Unknown Isles Item in Xeovis | World Anvil

Lightweight Boots of the Unknown Isles

This piece is a divine artifact of The Creator, previously thought to be lost forever. This piece must be bonded with the wearer before entering combat. It cannot be worn by anyone other than its bonded companion. The script embossed in the chestpiece will glow in the presence of evil-aligned entities or denizens of the Shadow Realm. When glowing, evil-aligned entities and denizens of the Shadow Realm will suffer from penalties to attack against the wearer as well as suffer defense penalties for all attacks from anyone within five meters of the wearer.
Base Armor:
35 ( + Dexterity bonus + Dodge bonus)
Divine Armor
This armor piece grows in power with the wielder. As its bonded companion earns experience points, it also gains experience, leveling itself.
This piece can be imbued with mana to increase the protection rating (Armor rating) of the chest piece. This piece is one item of a set (1/5)
This piece must be bonded with the wearer

Cover image: by MidJourney AI


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