Arrow Poison Scale Document in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Arrow Poison Scale

The Arrow Poison Scale, or APS, is a scale determining the level of poison or venom it is. It was invented by Michel Arrow on 3rd Wenibar 1900.

Document Structure


The document consists of 6 levels. These levels indicate the lethalness of the venom/poison.

Level 1

Creatures under level 1 have a venom that does no damage to harmonids. This venom is most likely used on other creatures that are their size.

Level 2

Creatures under level 2 have a venom that barely causes harm, and will always heal. These creatures are usually small mammals, fish or small birds.

Level 3

Creatures under level 3 have a venom that leaves scars. The venom is not strong enough to kill someone.

Level 4

Creatures under level 4 have a venom that leaves scars. The venom is strong enough to kill someone, but it is unlikely.

Level 5

Creatures under level 5 have a venom that kills, but can be prevented. Most people who suffer from this venom/poison die.

Level 6

The highest level, creatures under level 6 have a venom that kills, almost instantly. Usually less than an hour after being injected with the venom will the person die, and it is often untreatable.


The Arrow Poison Scale was designed by Michel Arrow, a toxicologist, in an effort to make clear the danger levels of poisonous and venomous creatures on the planet. The levels in the document are arranged in order from least dangerous to most, with a description of impact.


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