Blinding Lights

Blinding Lights is a light spell used to blind the opponent. It is a common spell and known by most amateur mages. It never leaves a lasting affect on the opponent, it merely stuns them for a few seconds while the attacker can get away.


There is a blinding flash of light, which effects everyone except the user. The user is protected from the light due to the light accessory that they must be carrying in order to execute the spell.
Material Components
To cast this spell one must be wearing a light necklace or other light accessory. This allows the spell caster to absorb power from the accessory, made of pure light. These can be purchased from any mage shop, and is given to you at any mage school/university for free, as part of a mandatory course.


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Aug 8, 2021 00:26

Ah yes, the gentleman's flashbang.

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