Jovian Planetarium

The Jovian Planetarium is a large museum and education centre orbiting the outskirts of the Sol System. It serves as physical Jupiter propaganda, encouraging passerbys to visit the planet on their travels.

This museum is perched on a large asteroid within the Kuiper Belt. The Planetarium was paid for by the Jovian Scientific Conglomeration, in an attempt to publicise Jupiter and its tourism. Littered within every room of the museum are posters promoting various tourist sites around Jupiter, and jovian-owned planets around the Milky Way.

Orbital Rooms

Mummy look at how big that storm is!
The museum in its entirety is one monolithic cube, small rooms connected to each wall. In the centre of the museum is a floating hologram of Jupiter, animated in real-time. The Jovian Superstorm is tracked through this hologram, visitors able to see every cloud and floating island in clear detail.  

The 131 moons orbiting Jupiter all hang as moodlights from the ceiling of the museum. Each one guides to you a small room, where you can view a 3D model of said moon. Informational pamphlets are propped up at every entrance, with education plaques filling the walls of each room.

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Geographic Location | Aug 14, 2024

A planet in the Sol System. Jupiter currently has ownership over planet Earth.


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