
Krudepals are large flying mammals found in the cave environments of Cavotov. They are an apex predator; with incredible senses and the ability to fly, they are an unmatched predator.


These mammals have a long, thin body, with two long legs. These legs face backwards, similar to Earth's bats, in order for them to easier climb up rock faces and cave walls. Their wings are the most significant appendage - these are longer than the creature's bodies, with two sections of the wings that allow steering. Their heads are a cone shape, with a long triangular snout. Three eyes sit on their heads, allowing great vision. Their heads end in three spikes, which detect frequencies in the air, showing the animals where potential prey are. Krudepal tails are extremely long, and whiplike, able to crack just like one. The tail ends in a large stinger, containing two venom glands, a primary and a secondary venom gland. Interestingly, veins are clearly visible in the stinger, as the skin is incredibly thin and brittle.


Krudepals are strictly carnivores. They hunt from the air, using their excellent eyesight. With the ability to see for miles and in incredible detail, they can spot tiny movements underneath thick foliage, and when they do they divebomb straight into them, and catch them in their talons, bringing them up into the air to be torn apart and eaten.


Krudepals are one of the only mammals on the planet that lay eggs. Female krudepals lay 30 eggs in cracks in the caves on the roof; the eggs are crammed into tight spaces so they don't fall and break. These eggs spend 20-25 days incubating, under careful watch of the parents, before hatching.

When they hatch, babies must attempt to make it safely down to the ground.


These mammals are most comfortable flying in the air. Using currents of wind from The Roof, these mammals can stay in the air for years at a time, only coming down to the ground to capture prey in their strong talons. They possess steering abilities using their different wings, which allow them to make fast changes in direction mid-flight.


Krudepals are found within the Mister and the Suhua Cave Systems. They dominate these areas, soaring within the air and keeping watch of the ground, looking for prey. They are most common in the Mister Cave System, with an estimated population of 63,000, 54% of the total krudepal population (97200).
15 - 20 years
Average Length
3 - 4 metres
Geographic Distribution

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