Oriole Gem

Oriole gems are precious crystals found in deep in the earth of Orrios and the surrounding seas. They are a light orange gem with darker orange and brown marks on it, and are used in many jewelry and artifacts.   They are often used in expensive jewelry, like necklaces, rings and crowns. The gem's rarity means it is usually centered in the item to show off the wearer's wealth.

Manufacturing process

Oriole gems are very delicate items. More often than not do they fracture when being mined, and so are a rare item to find in perfect condition. When miners come across the gems, they must switch tools to special equiptment that can remove fine amounts of rock surrounding it without damaging the gem. This can take up to an hour of steady focus. This amount of labour increases the price of the gem, as well as its rarity.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Related ethnicities


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