
This article is for Summer Camp 2024. It will be updated shortly!

A vibrant hum echoes through the pearl-white corridor. Bright blue stripped lighting on the ceiling guides your way through the halls. You wander forwards, closing the steel door behind you, turning the latch and flicking the countless locks.

As you walk down the hallway, the hum grows louder. It turns into a slow beeping. Then, the sound of flowing water becomes apparent, as the hallway darts to the right. You turn the corner, to be met with another steel door. A large sign is plastered on the door, reading:

SUBJECT QUARANTINE: 1220098561. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.   You open the door.

Orbiting within Earth's orbital path is Quarantine. This laboratory is inaccessible to most, a fortress guarded by some of the toughest soldiers around.

Overgrown Onboard by Mochi

What is hidden within Quarantine remains a guess for most. This gigantic biosphere has just a single window, a botanical garden visible inside. Solar panels line gigantic metal walls. There is just a single docking station for spacecraft, suggesting very few people ever visit Quarantine.

Some suspect advanced lifeforms might live within Quarantine. Or perhaps, creatures so dangerous they must be hidden away from the greater Yonderverse. Perhaps, a delicate species lives here, seeking refuge from the dangers that lurk round every corner in space.

Several smaller outposts orbit Quarantine. Each is operated by its own personal AI system, analysing its surroundings, sending data packages to other outposts, both orbiting Quarantine and further away, and acting as a secondary defence system for Quarantine's inhabitants.

Quarantine's creator even remains a mystery. While Earth is under jovian rule, the architecture and infrastructure has zero resemblance.


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