Silicc Disease

This article is incomplete, and it shall be expanded upon some time in the future. :) If you would like to see it expanded upon, leave a comment letting me know!

Silicc disease is a common, but relatively harmless, condition caused by low temperatures. The disease only affects the qoatzil species, as they are not accustomed to cold temperatures. Every year the Boundless Cavern is subjected to freezing climates, where about fifty-five percent of the population catch silicc.

The body's internal systems all band together to raise its temperature, which causes some to backfire. The raised temperature sends alarm signals to the immune system, which believes the body has caught Pyros Infitos, a deadly virus which raises one's temperature infinitely until you're dead. When caught and identified early, freezing it out is an option, which is what the immune system tries to do.

Silicc causes: your skin to become slightly more pale; a constant shivering; a constant dizziness whenever stood up.



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