Soul Potion

Soul potions are one of the most difficult potions to create, simply due to the fact the only way to obtain a soul is to suck one from the centre of a Sun. Soul potions are incredibly valued with mages, they give the holder the ability to reincarnate a corpse, bringing them back to a healthy state, not just reviving a decomposing skeleton.

Manufacturing process

To obtain a soul, one must make their way to a Sun. This has varying difficulties depending on what species they are. Then, they must make their way into the centre of the Sun, the Orb of Frozen Souls. This is what keeps the Sun stable, and if too many souls are removed, the Sun continues on in the Star Cycle (the next stop being the Red Giant. Once extracted, the soul must be placed in a potion bottle of any size with the lid firmly on. Take a yolk egg, and pour it in the bottle as you open the lid, to not give the soul a chance to escape. The egg yolk is deceptively vital in a soul potion, the proteins allow the organism to reform all its essential flesh, organs, etc. Then, with a magnified blender, blend the soul and egg yolk together, to form a bluish liquid.

Historical Use

Only one time in recorded history have soul potions been used. Most soul potions are kept locked up in basements of museums and galleries.
In 1265, after a mage was reported to travel to the Sun, they were presumed dead for obvious reasons. That was until she arrived back at her home, as safe as could be, with a potion bottle in her hand, and a strange blue liquid no one had ever seen. She left for her house, and returned to a restaurant a few hours later, where she was interviewed by local reporters. She stated she never had that potion in her hand, yet the reporters insisted she did, as one of the reporters witnessed her with it in her hand. After storming home, she locked her doors, and ran to her basement. She screamed in despair as she saw a locked case was cut open, the insides empty.   Then, in 1349, a reported case of resurrection occured. Resurrection could be done with the power of blood magic, but was banned over 300 years prior, due to the consequences of performing the act on one's body and physical abilities. According to several reports that took place, a man, who had died exactly a year ago, had his grave dug out by his son, who then proceeded to pour a blue liquid in the dead man's mouth. A few minutes passed by, and the corpse rose, as flesh, organs, all the decomposed sections of his body had magically revitalised.
Due to the difficulty of obtaining souls, these potions are almost never seen in reality for the people of Greenerth. Every few years you may find on somewhere in a market stall tucked away down a small path, but it is incredibly unlikely as souls are not owned by the masses.
Raw materials & Components
Thankfully, the soul potion requires just two ingredients; a soul and an egg yolk. However, what the egg yolk lacks in difficulty to obtain, the soul more than makes up for.


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Aug 22, 2021 17:08

A simple, but very nice article, do enjoy the two instances that describe when the potion were once used.   But when will we get the body potion?

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