The Tale of Liar's Valley Myth in Yonderverse | World Anvil

The Tale of Liar's Valley

CW: Death of children

Eusteans enjoy they horrific fairytales, and the Tale of Liar's Valley is no exception. As children are known for their mischevious ways, many eustean parents sought out ways to make them behave, and soon this fairytale was devised with the hopes that children would stop lying.


Once upon a time there lived a young mother and her two children. These children were mean children, and made their mother's life difficult. They would lie all the time, hide their mother's items, not clean their rooms, and the mother did not like this.

The mother decided to do something about this. She invited her children on a walk to a valley. This valley was a big valley, so deep you couldn't see the bottom. When they arrived, the children looked scared.

"Mummy, why are we here?"
"You keep lying to me, hiding my things, not cleaning your rooms. So, I am going to do something about it."  

And with that, she tossed her children over the edge and into the valley, never to be seen again. She walked home, with a smile on her face.

  This very short fairytale is a fearmongering tactic to get children to behave, and make their parent's lives easier. The constant fear of being thrown into the valley, never to be seen again, is enough to keep many children from misbehaving. That is, until they grow up.

Historical Basis

The fairytale is entirely fictional, however Liar's Valley is indeed an existing location. There is zero evidence of a mother throwing her children into the abyss.


After promising results, the fairytale quickly began spreading around the oceans. Liar's Valley became a well known location that many children feared, and older children didn't believe exists. The fairytale is so widespread some aar-aori parents tell this to their children.
Date of recording
Around Year 50
Date of setting
Year 50
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Tirensic Ocean
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Oct 4, 2022 21:22 by RandoScorpio

Yeet all your problems into a valley. Seems like a good solution.

Oct 4, 2022 21:34 by Mochi

It's the best solution xD

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