Thorn-backed Thrasher Species in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Thorn-backed Thrasher

The thorn-backed thrasher is a large reptile species from the Atigeo Sea on Hell. While these animals themselves are predators, they are also preyed on by a host of other, larger creatures.


Thrashers have flat, wide bodies covered in a soft shell. This soft shell provides more maneuverability, while the large spikes on top protect from enemies. These spikes also secrete venom from the tips, and are incredibly sharp. Like their bodies, their heads are very flat too, and they are used to shovel through the seabed in search of smaller prey items. While they don't have the strongest bite, they can move their jaws like a saw once bitten down on prey, and slice through flesh with ease.

Thrashers' eyes are located on the tops of their head, for better view above them as they swim across the seabed. Their two pairs of legs stick out the sides of their bodies, through openings in their shells. These arms end in clawed fins, that can be used to scramble across land. Their long tails pose no benefits aside from sexual attraction; females prefer males with longer tails. Their light tan colour is present throughout their body, aside from their bellies which are a yellowish colour, and specks of green on the tops of their shells.


Thorn-backed thrashers are predators, and hunt an array of animals. Most of the time, thrashers will use their wide, flat heads to disturb the top layer of the seabed, where many crustaceans and small fish hide. They will keep their mouths open, using their lower jaws to cut through the sand, while filter systems in their throats will release the sand, and digest the prey.

When they are not sifting through the sand, thrashers will swim further above the seabed and attempt to catch fish and other animals. Thrashers can swim up to 30kph, which is faster than many other fish species, so their success rate in catching is rather high. Unfortunately, this uses up a lot of energy that the thrashers are not willing to use, so they do prefer sand-sifting.


After reaching sexual maturity at two years old, male thorn-backed thrashers will gather in leks. These leks usually consist of about a hundred thrashers, where they will swim in circles, displaying their long tails which change colour during mating season from their usual tan colour to a bright orange. Females will gather around the lek and observe, spending up to a month finding the perfect mate with the longest and most attractive tail.

After a female chooses her ideal mate, they will swim off together in a secluded area, usually a cave, and mate. The female thrasher will remain with her eggs for three weeks until they hatch, while males bring food to the mother and newborn babies.

The pair will only remain together for that year, and will separate as soon as the babies leave their parents. The female will then seek a different male to mate with the following year, as they don't like to mate with the same male multiple times.

15 years
Average Length
6 metres
Geographic Distribution


When they are not sifting through sand for food, thrashers will bury themselves in the sand to hide from other predators. Not entirely effective as their spikes greatly stand out, these spikes will also inject venom into anything that brushes past them. Their nesting sites are usually just abandoned nests from other animals, especially ones found in small caves.

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