Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Green Myst

By amelianite

1969 0 0 1947

Ninjago: Dragon's Rising Fanfic. / Lloyd x OC. / Aurora Sharpe has never seen herself as a hero. She just wants to survive the day while keeping Jason, her older brother, safe from prying eyes. When their home is destroyed, Aurora and Jason are offered...

Hard Bites (TWDU fanfic)

By amelianite

1626 0 0 87

This is a retelling of two different campaigns that my mom and I came up with as a rewrite of the TWD Universe. Everything is completely made up, with mythology thrown in. All of this is for fun and not to be taken seriously. Part 1: TWD s11 Azalea and her...

Blood of the Goddess Book I: The Locust King

By MJKeeler

64119 61 0 86721

NEW CHAPTERS EVERY TUESDAY The plateau of Adyll was born out of the sea, pushed up through tectonic pressures over a million years ago. To the east, beyond the cliffs where the capital city is located, lies a formidable desert which stretches for hundreds...