Valeria Bilyk Character in An Domhan | World Anvil
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Valeria Bilyk

Valeria Bilyk (a.k.a. Lera)

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Lera carries a cross-body case that holds her most commonly used tinctures, medical textbooks to reference, bandages, surgical equipment like knives, saws, and needle and thread, and other occupational necesseties.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lera was born in her parents homeland, and traveled with them to Cliffside to escape war and destruction when she was 8 years old. She developed an interest in medicine after seeing so many injured or sick people on their journey and learning some home remedies from her mother. Lera bought a book on medicine that she found on Cliffside, and began studying. She befriended a Tadhg(Character), a cabin boy on a ship, to have him source her more books on biology and healing and some translation dictionaries. Using these resources and her own experiments, through her teen years she started treating injuries and illnesses and gained a reputation for being a knowledgable doctor. This became her main profession, and she spends her days seeing patients, brewing tinctures, training apprenteces, and watching the docks for when Tadhg's ship comes to port.

Gender Identity

Lera would be defined today as assigned male at birth, but her culture doesn't put a heavy emphasis on assigned gender or gender roles. Children are just children until they decide to present with a specific identity, be it male, female, or non-binary, but it isn't a social necesity. Cliffside has a general philosophy of not poking your nose into other's business so she isn't much bothered there either.


Of all the Bilyk children, Lera is the only one who recieved any formal education. She attended a school in her town until they left when she was 8, so she learned reading, writing, math, and traditional crafts.


She works as a doctor or healer.

Mental Trauma

Leaving home as refugee was traumatic, and she holds a lot of memories inside her that she has never told her siblings about. She never made many friends, and feels a strong sense of duty to her family that weighs on her. Lera also struggles with her connection to her culture; as she was the only one to grow up outside of Cliffside, she is the only one who is ever homesick. She works through this through embroidering gifts for her family.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lera is very smart, and has a knack for understanding scientific concepts and effects of different chemical or treatments and stong improvisational skills.

Personality Characteristics


Duty to her family and a desire to help others to make up for all the people she couldn't help before drives Lera.

Personality Quirks

One could say her bedside manner is lacking. Lera talks only when she has something to say, which leads her to having a more gruff or quiet appearance.


Her knowledge of infections keeps her cleaner than most on Cliffside, and she sanitizes her tools with alcohol or heat, but she also lives in a pirate city and doesn't have the best access to good hygiene.


Family Ties

Lera is the oldest of the five Bilyk siblings, following her is Dema Bilyk, Petya Bilyk - Captain Patch, Nikolai Bilyk, and Valentyna Bilyk.

Social Aptitude

One could say her bedside manner is lacking. She is often overworked and busy and trying to quickly get through each visit, leading her to have a more gruff and scholarly appearance.


When she has a problem to solve, she talks it out aloud to herself or her companions, and she learned everything from complicated medical textbooks, so she often confuses other people she's with with complex concepts and long scientific words.
Current Location
Both Feminine and androgenous.
Long platinum blonde hair, often worn braided into a bun
Known Languages
Lera's native language is from her home, but the longer she lived on Cliffside, the better she became at speaking common. She knows a little Gaeilge from hanging out with Tadhg.

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