Petya Bilyk Character in An Domhan | World Anvil
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Petya Bilyk

Captain Petya Bilyk (a.k.a. Patch / Captain Patch)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

They are very agile from running, jumping, and climbing around Cliffside their whole life, and developed more muscle when they worked more physical jobs at Salt Spray Theater and on ships.

Body Features

Petya has multiple tattoos: they originally got small downy bird wings on their shoulder blades to represent their identity as fledgling of Cliffside and their goal of traveling and seeing what exists other than Cliffside. When they returned from their first time sailing away, they got adult bird wings tattooed around the chick wings.

Facial Features

They have upturned eyes, a straight nose, and some light freckles. They are naturally pale but are suntanned from being outside.

Identifying Characteristics

Petya has many piercings in each ear.

Apparel & Accessories

Petya enjoys expressing their style through adding colorful patchs to their clothes. They discovered this through fixing some rips with patchs, and now add patches and shapes of color all over their clothes. Lera, their older sister, values traditional embroidery, and makes them traditionally embroidered vests.

Mental characteristics


Petya didn't recieve any formal education growing up on Cliffside, as there are no schools, but was taught a bit of reading and arithmetic and handstitching by their older sister, Lera. Growing up in Cliffside did however, teach them a lot of street smarts.


They work at Salt Spray Theater until they move on to working on their ship. Petya became fascinated by the theater when they were a kid, sneaking in to watch all the shows from the rafters. After getting caught too many times, the manager decided to hire them, and they went from kid they keep around to sweep and carry things, to production assistant, to running rigging, effects, and lighting, to bouncer, and eventually acting in some shows as stand ins.

Personality Characteristics


Petya is motivated by their love of the theater, and their curiosity.


Family Ties

Petya is one of 5 siblings, Valeria Bilyk, Dema Bilyk, Nikola Bilyk, and Valentyna Bilyk.


Dema Bilyk

sister (Vital)

Towards Petya Bilyk



Petya Bilyk

sibling (Vital)

Towards Dema Bilyk




Being only about a year apart, they grew up together and were closer than they were to any of their other siblings or friends.

Nicknames & Petnames

Petya is called Patch by Dema because of their habit of repairing or decorating clothes with colorful patterns.

Current Location
Date of Birth
Dema Bilyk (sister)
Current Residence
Bilyk household
Passes as masculine with a feminine grace or feminine with a masculine burliness.
Short and platinum blond, cropped close on the sides but long enough on top to be tied back or flop onto one side.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Petya speaks mainly traders' tounge from growing up in Cliffside. They also speak their parent's native language, and can recognize many different languages from being exposed to them.

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Character Portrait image: Petya Character Art by Sinead Bergeron


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