FWV Small Fry Vehicle in Ethnis | World Anvil

FWV Small Fry

The FWV Small Fry is a vessel owned by Rufus, a Dump Field boss in the Federation of Free Planets. The vessel is currently loaned to the scavver Calhoon. The Small Fry is as the name implies, small. Designed originally for family travel, Rufus and Calhoon have gradually converted it to a cramped toolbox in space.

The Small Fry has enough Cargo space for small hauls, tug lines for carrying large ships, and crew quarters to support four people. Despite the dangers of working in the Scavenging industry, the Small Fry has no armament besides the hardened nosecone designed for pulverizing small space debris.

Yeah, I get to drive around battlezones, wayhalls, and crashsites with absolutely nothing because Rufus 'can't afford the insurance on firearms.'

Real classy guy.

— Calhoon - Captain of the Small Fry

Humble Beginnings

The Small Fry is from a class of mass produced Andromeda Syndicate vessels designed for extended travel for small groups. Much of the marketing for the vessel type was geared towards vacationers as a sort of spacefaring recreational vehicle.

The vessel sported well-made rooms with comfy bunks, a kitchenette, and a programmable day and night cycle for adjusting to new locations. While the passengers sleep near the center of the vessel, each room has a built-in camera wall to view into space at the touch of a button.

They fell out of service quick after introduction, with mass-transit winning out in its cost effectiveness. The asking price of the vessel was far too prohibitive for most of the universal consumer base. Hundreds of ships went unsold in Syndicate lots, to recooperate the failure, the remaining stock was sold at a loss to anyone who needed a unarmed travelling vessel.

The Fry
Federation Wayfaring Vessel (FWV)

Repurposed for no Comfort

Over the years the FWV Small Fry exchanged hands via bets, loans, and repros throughout Federation space. Each person who owned it made it their own in some way or another.

Yeah. Small Fry is a great ship, but you don't see all the 'history' as I call it. Lights that pop under full power, a sink that you have to jiggle just right to stop the water. Heck last year I learned that someone just had an exposed wire to spark the damn engine!

But she's my ship, and I do love her even with all the scars.



Originally designed for passengers and not mechanics, the Workshop took over the dining room and second bedroom of the ship. Lines of tools are laid out, plugged into some after-market power outlets that don't match color.

Hardened Nose

Neither Rufus or Calhoon are sure who put in the reinforced nose cone, but the tungsten composite used can ram through steel at enough speed.

Engine Capability

When scouting for wreckage to scavenge, the fastest ship catches the best hauls. The default engine of the Small Fry has been switched out for an Asteroid Drag engine. It has exceptional speed, but can become squirrely to control in any sort of atmosphere.

Paint Job

The Small Fry has a couple of coats of paint, each of which show on certain parts of the ship. The current drab greens and greys shows patches of a ruby red underneath. In some of the deeper chips, the faint original baby blue of the factory paint can be seen.


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Dec 13, 2022 09:56 by Morgan Biscup

I love the way you give her a personality of her own. And also Calhoon has great quotes.   I wonder what Ja-guen will think of her?

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 15, 2022 01:13 by Barron

That's a very good question, it certainly will be a far cry from his normal Jhoutigari patrol vessel! A lot more posters!

Dec 31, 2022 05:02 by Starfarer Theta

This is a great article, and a great piece of worldbuilding!   Looks like my Nemo comment was removed (it had posted right?). Was it because it didn't quite work with what the article was describing? I am sincerely sorry if so, and the same if for any other reason.   Again, great worldbuilding here!

Jan 2, 2023 02:26 by Barron

Oh, I apologize! I really had no idea what it meant, so I thought it was a mispost! No reason to be sorry about it at all, my silly mind had trouble figuring out what it meant.

Jan 2, 2023 16:17 by Starfarer Theta

No worries, I should have prefaced the comment with an explanation on what I was trying to do. Thanks for the answer!

Jan 21, 2023 08:56 by Joshua

Did... did I just read an article about a space motorhome? That is fantastic. I like how you have the core information on the type of vehicle to familiarize the audience with it followed while also detailing the specifics of this particular FWV.

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