MPHG Bewitcher Vehicle in Inanta | World Anvil

MPHG Bewitcher

"She is the most technological advance, fastest, and beautiful ship on the seas of Inanta. The only thing that could make her better was if she could fly. Give me a few years and access to the right people, and the next one will soar the skies."
— Ship Architect Rylen Belkerk, Morea Pirate Horde Guild


  The MPHG Bewitcher was the first shipped designed and built in the Telarian Class Ships. It was commission to celebrate Telarus, The Bewitching when she became the Pirate Queen of the Morea Pirate Horde Guild and started her reign over all of Morea Island. It is the fastest, most advance pirate ship in the world.  


Power Source
Passenger Capacity
Wind + Magic
Cannons: 25
Harpoons: 9
Mage: 1 + Apprentice
100 people in Cargo Hold
plus 4 Passenger Quarters
Max Speed
Crew Members
Cargo Capacity
Wind: 10 knots
Magic: 30 knots
25 - 50 Crew Members
250 Tons

Crew Members

Title Minimum Maximum
Ships Captain 1 1
First Mate 1 1
Cabin Boy 1 2
Quartermaster 1 1
Surgeon 1 2*
Boatswain 1 1
Cook 1 2*
Carpenter 1 2*
Pirates 10 25
Navigator 1 2*
Master Gunner 1 2*
Powder Monkeys 3 7
Mage + Apprentice 2 2
* If there are enough crew members, then these titles will choose apprentices from the crew members in case something happens to them.  

Areas of the Ship

Navigation Room
Navigation by Kat Sanders
This room is where the Captain, First Mate, Quartermaster, Navigator, and Master Gunner run the ship. They meet up, plan the days activities, discuss whose ships to plunder, and what needs to be done. This is the war room.
This is where the Surgeon handles all the sick and injured. He heals the sick, produces his potions, and takes care of the needs of the crew.
Infirmary by Kat Sanders
Galley by Kat Sanders
The Cook rules the Galley with an a sharp knife. Don't get on his bad side, or you won't get your days rations. This is where the food is stored, cooked, and eaten.
Mage's Quarters
The Mage lives in these quarters when she isn't propelling the ship faster and further in a bid to outrace another ship or a storm. She will sometimes lend her expertise to the Surgeon when it is needed, as she specialized her potion skills in poisons and their antidotes.
Mages Quarters
Owning Organization
First Of Its Kind
35 ft
165 ft
With Sails Alone: 7-10 knots | With Magic Boost: 15 - 30 knots for 30 seconds to 3 minutes
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Cargo Hold: Cargo: 250 ton - Passengers: ~100 people (this would change if there were animals too)

Other Areas of the Ship

Captains Quarters
Captains Bath
Captains Bath by Kat Sanders
Brig by Kat Sanders
Guard Room by Kat Sanders
Crew Quarters by Kat Sanders
Helm by Kat Sanders
Munitions by Kat Sanders
Treasure Hold by Kat Sanders
Passengers Quarters by Kat Sanders
MPHG Bewitcher Main Deck
The MPHG Bewitcher was the first shipped designed and built in the Telarian Class Ships. It was commission to celebrate Telarus, The Bewitching when she became the Pirate Queen of the Morea Pirate Horde Guild and started her reign over all of Morea Island.


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Oct 1, 2021 20:19 by George Sanders

I like the use of tables for sections of the ship

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Oct 2, 2021 18:40 by Kat Sanders

Thank you.