Ash Hopper Tavern Building / Landmark in Ovensu | World Anvil

Ash Hopper Tavern (/aSH/ˈhäpər/ Tavern)

Written by BlubGamer555

The Ash Hopper Tavern is a fairly large pub owned by Ashback Glowstein. It is one of the more well-traversed bars in the lower district of Whitecrest. With 5 rooms for travelers, a wide bar area, and a full kitchen, this pub has all you need for a long stay. With plenty of sailor and religious memorabilia, it is plain easy to see that this place is filled with worship and close to port. After entering the Ash Tavern you are immediately greeted by the primary bar of this establishment. To the left and right are seating areas with around 32 spots for customers to seat and celebrate, with a stage in the far back right corner for performers.   The menu includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, and around 2 dozen types of bread.   Featured drinks:
  1. Ash-glazed Vanilla Mead. Honey mead with vanilla flavouring and a topping of an unknown glaze known as "Ash" by the locals.
Featured meals:
  1. Glowstein's well-traveled meatloaf with tomato & honey glaze, onion chunks, marquesian spices, and bacon layered on top.
  2. Baked Egg Hopper, an egg swirled around a bowl and baked, with spices and 'Ash' glaze added.
  • Every few days, a group of people from around the city gather up in or near the tavern to play a card game of war, where cards represent soldiers and creatures that can be placed down to fight the enemy. Draw from either a large deck of fighters or a deck of sacrifice cards to place the fighters down.
  • Pirate's Dice, a game where 2 or more players roll 5 dice in a cup. After rolling, each player checks their dice and hides it from everyone else. After this, players take guess as to certain pairs of dice rolled across the board, such and 3 3's and 4 6's. After a player guesses, a different player can take that guess and increase it. If the second guess, the higher guess is correct, the first and smaller guess loses. Play until there is a winner.
  • A group of sea shanty singers made up of old and retired sailors.
  • A travelling 'one-man band' who comes through every few weeks to perform.
  • The Pale King. After worshipers of the Arch Devil Andramalech betrayed and sacrificed the King of Whitecrest during Estinrill's March, rumors of the ghost of the king have floated around of a pale figure resembling the king watching over the waters of the harbour.
  • The Gate of Hell. Sailors who dare tread too far South of the Maine Ocean speak of rumors of dragons, devils, demons, and a deep crimson glow expelling ash to the sky. A volcano or rift from the hellish planes of fire send sailors praying for forgiveness after laying their eyes on it.


Built out of an old wine brewery warehouse, with extra walls and floors added to the inside. The exterior walls have grapes and flowers growing up them with colorful decorations and religious symbols hidden in the foliage. With the first floor for cooking, eating, drinking, and entertainments, the second floor for resting and, eventually, more partying.


Built out of an old wine storage warehouse, this tavern has much space and a familiar smell of drinks and wood. Originally built by a now mostly forgotten brewery company, now turned to a place of rest and feast.
The Ash Hopper Tavern, owned by Ashback Glowstein. Located in the Lower/Ash District of Whitecrest, Mentiri. While one would expect alcohol to not sell well in a religious town, standards in this world are different. A home for sailors, worshipers, travelers, and performers from across the world. This tavern is an icon of entertainment, spirits, worship, and sailing for all those who near it.
  • Breakfast: Eggs, toast, breads, bacon, sausage, dried honey, various vegetables. Morning ale, mead, beer, and whiskey. Iced fruits and vegetables. Other foods on request.
  • Lunch: Sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, sausage, biscuits, breads, cheese, dried honey, other foods on request. Standard drinks + Ash-glazed Vanilla Mead.
  • Dinner: Meats, fruits, vegetables, cheeses, breads, dried honey, sausage, spaghetti foods, lasagna. Standard drinks + Ash-glazed Vanilla Mead & Glowstein's locally famous meatloaf.
  • Around 2 dozen types of bread on request at all hours.
Founding Date
274 PA, 3rd Vo's day, Mililmon
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location

Articles under Ash Hopper Tavern