Angus Iris Character in Terraloga | World Anvil
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Angus Iris

Angus Perseus Iris

Angus Iris was the Valonian slave who led the first wave of the Sacked; the uprising to seek independence for the country he loved against the Empire of Kritus.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Several lines of whipped scars at his back showed the heavy cost of being enslaved by the people with racial hatred. Although being healed, it still hurted him everytime he slept.

/*It's more painful than what he got when he's crucified. */

As the most obvious weakness, he always cover it from any enemies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in Auqapus, he wanted to become the imperial general. Over the years he studied and trained himself before joining the army around the age of 18. His close-combat and stretegy skill had been pleased by his cohort. However, the first battle he ever fought, which was to against the empire's large army in the War of the Old lord in 31 BVE, resulted him to be enslaved along with other captives.

From Slave to General

During his time as a slave, Angus had been used for hard lifting, witnessing how badly they treated Valonian slaves like him. The main job he got was one of the treadwheel crane operator in the construction site of Excor Eulesir, the empire's victory monument.

One night, Angus along with the other five slaves, successfully plotted the release of the whole camp and led to seize Auqapus. As a result, Angus became their leader, fulfilling his lifetime goal, and starting the new one.

At the time, Kritus was very busy with reconquest campaign on the eastern front. When the emperor Kolonus heard the news about an uprising, he sent an available army of 4,000 professional legionaries to confront those filthy, thinking it was an ordinary riot. However, what they actually engaged was the organized army with near comparable performance. Half of them were killed and captured.

For the next two years of liberating, he got a total amount of 100,000 followers, including organized combatants, civilians, and survived veterans whose experiences made his army even better.

The Last Stand

In 26 BVE, Angus and his army could have gotten rid of all Krin's authority from the west coast, if there was the only one the place to go and that was called Valone; The largest city with a highly defensive wall. If he succeed, he would be able to fight the empire as long as he wanted.

In the Siege of Valone he used all the force he had, strongly hoping to succeed with a very short of time, only to be the underestimation; Six months had passed and no progress whatsoever. Meanwhile, the empire's eastern legions were marching back from the front to strike them back, with a maximum force of 50,000.

As he realized the inevitable defeat, he ordered those who couldn't fight to disperse back to their home hidden, leaving with his best soldiers with no one left behind.

According to Krin upfront soldiers, although Angus refused to give up despite being surrounded and outnumbered, the band was able to kill several in close combat. He himself had even slashed multiple men to die with only one swing - the moment everyone had only dreamt of. The battle took about two hours until they eventually agreed that Angus had perished in place, and the First Sacked was no more.

To warn any further uprising, Kolonus crucified those captured rebels alongside the road from Knirk to Valone—Except for Angus, who had a special place in mind.

The Dishonored Punishment

At the Valone main square, the beloved founder statue had been replaced with a thick wooden cross, and the naked body of once leading the biggest non-legion army in history, hanging with no soul.


Disturbed by so many people living there, the local government crucially enforced everyone not to attempt untying, otherwise being accused of rebellion and thus be executed. Despite his recognition by natives and dispersed rebels, it was hard to see the great man's corpse in the public; The stink might not last long, but the look made the square less bustling.

Hanging there for eleven years, he was finally found the justice. He's released by the stronger second wave of the Sacked in which Valus Rarmon, the group leader, took him as the inspiration.

Angus' skinny body was then cremated at the great mausoleum in Valone alongside many statemen in the past. Two marble statues of him were sculpted and brought to the Auqapus hometown and inside the national tower, to keep the legacy he created. Neo Valone, the city of war refugees, was renamed to Irisone.

Lawful Good
70 BVE 26 BVE 44 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Near the Wall of Sarton
Curly Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
The Sacked
Organization | Apr 27, 2022

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Character Portrait image: Herofroge by Herofroge


Author's Notes

For The Hero's journey challenge.
19/2/2022 - Minor edit & details added

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Jan 14, 2022 18:43 by Gavionara

What a cruel and tragic punishment he had to go through, along with the people who used to admire/follow him. At least his brave efforts weren't in vain in the end, and others remember and honour him as a great hero.   Nicely done, I really enjoyed reading this!

Jan 15, 2022 12:44

Glad you like it! :)