Chronicles of Mann - Book One: Year 9,305 by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1 - Blair 1 Chapter 2 - Hakon 1 Chapter 3 - Hakon 1.1 Chapter 4 - Magnus 1 Chapter 5 - Harald 1 Chapter 6 - Elinor 1 Chapter 7 - Cassandra 1 Chapter 8 - Warin 1 Chapter 9 - Hilda 1 Chapter 10 - Magnus 2 Chapter 11 - William 1 Chapter 12 - Galen 1 Chapter 13 - Hakon 2 Chapter 14 - William 2 Chapter 15 - Galen 2 Chapter 16 - Warin 2 Chapter 17 - Warin 2.1 Chapter 18 - Warin 2.2 Chapter 19 - Magnus 3 Chapter 20 - Warin 3 Chapter 21 - Harald 2 Chapter 22 - Galen 3 Chapter 23 - Hakon 3 Chapter 24 - Elinor 2 Chapter 25 - Blair 2 Chapter 26 - Galen 4 Chapter 27 - Elinor 2.1 Chapter 28 - Cassandra 2 Chapter 29 - Hilda 2 Chapter 30 - Hakon 4 Chapter 31 - Cassandra 3 Chapter 32 - Elinor 3 Chapter 33 - Galen 5 Chapter 34 - Hakon 5 Chapter 35 - Blair 3 Chapter 36 - Hilda 3 Chapter 37 - Warin 4 Chapter 38 - Galen 6 Chapter 39 - Elinor 4 Chapter 40 - Harald 3 Chapter 41 - William 3 Chapter 42 - Hilda 4 Chapter 43 - Hakon 6 Chapter 44 - Hilda 5 Chapter 45 - Galen 7 Chapter 46 - Magnus 4 Chapter 47 - Cassandra 4 Chapter 48 - Hilda 6 Chapter 49 - Blair 4 Hilda 6.1 Galen 8 Cassandra 5 Hakon 7 Hilda 7 William 4 Galen 9 Cassandra 6 Warin 5 Harald 4 Elinor 5 Hilda 8 Galen 10 Blair 5 Warin 6 Cassandra 7 Hilda 9 Warin 7 Hilda 10 Magnus 5 Harald 5 Warin 8 Galen 11 Hilda 11 Harald 6 Hilda 12 Warin 9 Elinor 6 Galen 12 Warin 10 Hilda 13 Cassandra 8 William 5 Warin 11 Elinor 7 Galen 13 Warin 12 Hakon 8 Cassandra 9 Elinor 7.1 Magnus 6 Blair 6 Magnus 7 Blair 7 Galen 14 Cassandra 10 Hakon 9 Hilda 14 Blair 8 Warin 13 Elinor 8 Magnus 8 Hakon 10 Cassandra 11 Warin 14 Elinor 9 Blair 9 Hilda 15 Magnus 9 Hilda 16 Blair 10 Magnus 10 Hakon 11 Galen 15 Elinor 10 Blair 11 Elinor 11 Blair 12 William 6 Harald 7 Magnus 11 Blair 13 Elinor 12 Hakon 12 Blair 14 Magnus 12 Cassandra 12 Harald 8 Elinor 13 Hakon 13 Blair 15 Magnus 13 Elinor 14 Hilda 17 Hakon 14 Magnus 14 Cassandra 13 Blair 16 Warin 15 Hakon 15 Magnus 15 Blair 17 Elinor 15 William 7 Hakon 16 Warin 16 Hilda 18 Blair 18 Harald 9 Galen 16 Hakon 17 Warin 17 Magnus 16 Cassandra 14 Blair 19 Hilda 19 Harald 10 Warin 18 William 8 Hakon 18 Warin 19 Elinor 16 Magnus 17 Warin 20 Hakon 19 Galen 17 Warin 21 Blair 20 Hilda 20 Harald 11 Cassandra 15 Galen 18 Warin 22 Blair 21 William 9 Blair 22 Elinor 17 Hakon 20 Magnus 18 Blair 23 William 10 Elinor 18 Magnus 19 Hilda 21 Blair 24 Hakon 21 Harald 12 Cassandra 16 Warin 23 Harald 12.1 Blair 25 Galen 19 Elinor 19 Cassandra 17 Hilda 22 William 11 Warin 24 William 12 Warin 25 Harald 13 William 13 Hilda 23 Harald 14 William 14 Hilda 24 William 15 Harald 15 Hilda 25 William 16 Harald 16 Elinor 20 William 17 William 18 Galen 20 Hakon 22 William 19 Cassandra 18 Magnus 20 William 20 Harald 17 William 21 Harald 18 Cassandra 19 Harald 19 Harald 20 Hakon 23 William 22 Cassandra 20 Galen 21 William 23 Galen 22 William 24 Harald 21 Hakon 24

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Hakon 15

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The ‘Sparrow’s Nest’ had drawn the short straw to be left on garrison duty in the Ironspine system, while the rest of the Legion readied to leave the system for an old abandoned world in the Old Ruins which had once fallen to the Skoll and lay abandoned ever since.

Intelligence gathered from the op against the starship in orbit, and the several away teams revealed the location of the pirates base. There had been several deaths in taking the starship, but most had surrendered without a fight, and the reward had given the 113th Legion more than they could have hopped for.

The White Claw Pirates as they called themselves had been uses trickery and misinformation on the forces of the System-lord Pamlea Lum for years. The Skoll, and other things which had made the System-lord so fearful was confirmed to be nothing more than a ruse from file after after.

The starship had had one simple mission, to remain in the system, and wait for the 113th Legion to finish it’s contract, and than inform their brothers and sisters in the White Claws, and launch small scale attacks, and help the locals rise up against the System-lord until the White Claw could launch their own massive attack into the system of Ironspine itself.

The files from the starship revealed that the White Claw gang had a formidable fleet for pirates. Nothing larger than Escort class Starships were in that fleet, but the intelligence told them to expect no less than forty starships from corvettes to escorts.

There were also several small scattered bases on the old world of Gell, but the minor world of Wenn remained uninhabited although teams made trips to scavenge parts from time to time, but it was no surprise that Wenn would be uninhabited. It might have hosted a population once before the Old Ruins, but with it’s inhabitable atmosphere it would make settling up life a task and a half.

“Finally some real action,” Frea said as the legion prepared to leave system, and orders and briefings began to task place. 

It would take the legion almost a week to reach the Gell System, which laid on the border of Warta space inside the Old Ruins, and much closer to the Stargard System than to the Ironspine system, and Hakon had thought that it had been smart of the pirates. It would have been unlikely for the System-lord of Ironspine to search that far from home, and that close to Stargard, and that had worked.

“We drew planetary duty,” Hakon replied.

“Better than getting boarding action duty,” Thane Longreach replied. “It’s only to be a mess of a battle if that intelligence is correct.”

“They don’t stand much stand against the ships if the legion,” Ragnor replied.

“No, not the ‘Axe Tooth’, ‘Blade’, or ‘Thunderbolt’, but the support craft, and fighters, and not to mentiom what few local forces the general could pry from Lord Lum, breaching pods will be as likely to be hit by friendly fire as being lost to some captain fearing one of the ships is taking to long to capture.”

“Guess we will find out shortly, but we are just as likely to be hit hard by anti space weapons on Gell itself. They will have more warning of the attack than any ships in orbit, at least several minutes before the ‘Axe Tooth’ gets in range to launch forces and than rejoin the fight itself.”

Hakon nodded. It was a bold plan, but General Archer, and more important, the legion woudn’t allow themselves to be defeated by pirates.

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