Chronicles of Mann - Book One: Year 9,305 by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1 - Blair 1 Chapter 2 - Hakon 1 Chapter 3 - Hakon 1.1 Chapter 4 - Magnus 1 Chapter 5 - Harald 1 Chapter 6 - Elinor 1 Chapter 7 - Cassandra 1 Chapter 8 - Warin 1 Chapter 9 - Hilda 1 Chapter 10 - Magnus 2 Chapter 11 - William 1 Chapter 12 - Galen 1 Chapter 13 - Hakon 2 Chapter 14 - William 2 Chapter 15 - Galen 2 Chapter 16 - Warin 2 Chapter 17 - Warin 2.1 Chapter 18 - Warin 2.2 Chapter 19 - Magnus 3 Chapter 20 - Warin 3 Chapter 21 - Harald 2 Chapter 22 - Galen 3 Chapter 23 - Hakon 3 Chapter 24 - Elinor 2 Chapter 25 - Blair 2 Chapter 26 - Galen 4 Chapter 27 - Elinor 2.1 Chapter 28 - Cassandra 2 Chapter 29 - Hilda 2 Chapter 30 - Hakon 4 Chapter 31 - Cassandra 3 Chapter 32 - Elinor 3 Chapter 33 - Galen 5 Chapter 34 - Hakon 5 Chapter 35 - Blair 3 Chapter 36 - Hilda 3 Chapter 37 - Warin 4 Chapter 38 - Galen 6 Chapter 39 - Elinor 4 Chapter 40 - Harald 3 Chapter 41 - William 3 Chapter 42 - Hilda 4 Chapter 43 - Hakon 6 Chapter 44 - Hilda 5 Chapter 45 - Galen 7 Chapter 46 - Magnus 4 Chapter 47 - Cassandra 4 Chapter 48 - Hilda 6 Chapter 49 - Blair 4 Hilda 6.1 Galen 8 Cassandra 5 Hakon 7 Hilda 7 William 4 Galen 9 Cassandra 6 Warin 5 Harald 4 Elinor 5 Hilda 8 Galen 10 Blair 5 Warin 6 Cassandra 7 Hilda 9 Warin 7 Hilda 10 Magnus 5 Harald 5 Warin 8 Galen 11 Hilda 11 Harald 6 Hilda 12 Warin 9 Elinor 6 Galen 12 Warin 10 Hilda 13 Cassandra 8 William 5 Warin 11 Elinor 7 Galen 13 Warin 12 Hakon 8 Cassandra 9 Elinor 7.1 Magnus 6 Blair 6 Magnus 7 Blair 7 Galen 14 Cassandra 10 Hakon 9 Hilda 14 Blair 8 Warin 13 Elinor 8 Magnus 8 Hakon 10 Cassandra 11 Warin 14 Elinor 9 Blair 9 Hilda 15 Magnus 9 Hilda 16 Blair 10 Magnus 10 Hakon 11 Galen 15 Elinor 10 Blair 11 Elinor 11 Blair 12 William 6 Harald 7 Magnus 11 Blair 13 Elinor 12 Hakon 12 Blair 14 Magnus 12 Cassandra 12 Harald 8 Elinor 13 Hakon 13 Blair 15 Magnus 13 Elinor 14 Hilda 17 Hakon 14 Magnus 14 Cassandra 13 Blair 16 Warin 15 Hakon 15 Magnus 15 Blair 17 Elinor 15 William 7 Hakon 16 Warin 16 Hilda 18 Blair 18 Harald 9 Galen 16 Hakon 17 Warin 17 Magnus 16 Cassandra 14 Blair 19 Hilda 19 Harald 10 Warin 18 William 8 Hakon 18 Warin 19 Elinor 16 Magnus 17 Warin 20 Hakon 19 Galen 17 Warin 21 Blair 20 Hilda 20 Harald 11 Cassandra 15 Galen 18 Warin 22 Blair 21 William 9 Blair 22 Elinor 17 Hakon 20 Magnus 18 Blair 23 William 10 Elinor 18 Magnus 19 Hilda 21 Blair 24 Hakon 21 Harald 12 Cassandra 16 Warin 23 Harald 12.1 Blair 25 Galen 19 Elinor 19 Cassandra 17 Hilda 22 William 11 Warin 24 William 12 Warin 25 Harald 13 William 13 Hilda 23 Harald 14 William 14 Hilda 24 William 15 Harald 15 Hilda 25 William 16 Harald 16 Elinor 20 William 17 William 18 Galen 20 Hakon 22 William 19 Cassandra 18 Magnus 20 William 20 Harald 17 William 21 Harald 18 Cassandra 19 Harald 19 Harald 20 Hakon 23 William 22 Cassandra 20 Galen 21 William 23 Galen 22 William 24 Harald 21 Hakon 24

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William 23

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They continued in silence for a time, before William finally spoke to Cuthbert.

“What do you mean by Lord Bear?” William asked the young man.

Curtbert looked to William, and than Alyn, before finally looking to William again to speak. “Oh, I forgot, you are not from here,” he said, and looked down for a moment. “Only the clan head is known as Lord Stout here, as it is among all the clans. Your father was known as Lord Bear because that is your House name, but my Uncle is known as Lord Coldwater, but on his own estate they call him Lord Stout sometimes. Not often, but sometimes.”

Alyn cleared his throat, and the young man looked back down as they walked. The reached a long series of stairs, flanked by rows of statues but at the bottom the stairs split and wrapped around the statue of a man holding a shield under one hand resting on the ground, and his other holding his sword. The statue must have been more than fifty feet tall, and the stairs joins back together at the same height his his head. People leaned on the railing as they looked at it.

“How…” William started, and than felt his throat tighten. He shook it off, and continued. “How did you know my father was dead?”

Cuthbert let out a long sigh. “Your father execution was broadcast. We recieved a video feed of it just a few days ago. The whole world is in shock, only the Ancestors know how the rest of Furse Space is handling it, but we have been getting messengers almost daily for weeks know reporting the massacres on worlds across the Commonwealth.”

William looked at Cuthbert. “You mean Karthmere… It happened elsewhere?”

“Yes lord,” Cuthbert nodded. “Dozen of worlds at least. Whole Furse Populations have been wiped out across the Commonwealth. Some worlds have survived, and a few seem to have been lucky enough t escape the carnage… but lord Bear, please this is for Lord Stout to speak of, not me.”

William looked at the young man. He had a thousand questions, but he nodded, and set about climbing the stairs with Alyn, and Cuthbert.

The top of stairs came to to platue which the main stucture of Stout Rise stood on, and yet seemed to barely cover any of. It rose hundreds of feet in the air, and William was awed by the stone, and wood carvings that lined the massive tower. William had no idea how large the base was, it seemed to have several branching wings, but it must have been over two hundred meters above the ground, with steep roofs, and open balconies coming out here, and there. It was beautiful.

“Home,” Alyn said, and made his way towards the structure, and entered the building which was packed with people going about their daily life.

“Welcome,” A hologram said outside the main door. “It is good…”

“Later Duncan,” Alyn said, and moved past the hologram, and into the main lobby. William followed close by, afraid of getting lost.

“This way…” Cuthbert began but was silenced by Alyn.

“I fucking know where her office is, and she can wait,” Alyn said sharply, and continued forward.

In no time they were in a large hall which was clearing for meals. It lay mostly empty, but there were large tables spread out in rows on eitehr side of the large stone hearth which ran the length of it, and throughout that hearth William could see and smell the cooking of beasts as they roast, and the small meal stations, and yet further back he could see the kitchen.

Alyn continued to the back where the kitchen was, and the food stations which clearly held food for all to get up and grab, but now lay empty but for a small section with drinks, snacks, and a few hot items. Alyn reached out, and grabbed a bowl, and filled it with some sort of think soup. He took a deep sniff, and than handed it to William.

“What is it?” William asked as he took the bowl of the black soup, with chucks, and bits of only the ancestors knew what.

“Home Pottage,” Alyn Asnwered as he handed a second bowl to Cuthbert, and grabbed a third one for himself. “Every House, every clan, has their own special pottage, but Stout Rise, well Stout Rise has the best,” he said, and took a bit.

William took a bite of his own, and his eyes widened as he looked at Alyn. “It tastes like mom’s,” he said dumbfounded.

Alyn laughed. “She was a good cook,” he said, and WIlliam could hear, and feel the sadness in his voice.

They ate their bowl of pottage where they stood, and Alyn served them another when he were slapped upside the head by an old woman.

“Did no one teach you manners?” she asked angerily, but her eyes widened when Alyn turned.

“Of course they did, they just did no good,” he said with a grin, and embraced the older woman. “Besides, I was taught to pay my respects to the most important people first,” he said, and the woman slapped him again. 

“William this is House Mother XXXXX, she is in charge of things around here. Might not get the glory, but you need something, and she makes it happen.”

“William?” she said, and put a hand on his cheek. “You look like him she said with a soft smile.

House Mother XXXXX looked back to Alyn. “Have you seen Lord Stout yet?”

“Next stop,” The Techno-Mage replied.

“Go, we can visit after. These are fast moving times,” House Mother XXXXX said,

Alyn nodded, and they set the bowls down. William followed Alyn as they entered a lift, and rode it to the top floor where he met the head of clan Stout, Lord Kathleen Stout, and as Alyn had prepared him, he asked for shelter, and was granted it by Lord Stout.

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