Journal #44: The Samsaran and Her Dreamers [Text Roleplay] by Aniks | World Anvil
Thu 16th Jan 2020 05:49

Journal #44: The Samsaran and Her Dreamers [Text Roleplay]

by Aniks Aliforn

After while of being in that timeless room, letting the events of the shards trails shimmer down. Aniks will start shuffling around in his bag till he pulls a single white business card out. Which glowed softly with that strange white light. He will approach the Samaran, Jinne “Excuse me, if you do not mind I was hoping if you could answer a question or two? Does this look familiar to you?”
Jinne stared at the card for a long moment, pale eyes wide with surprise. "You have a card from the Way? Are you... also a dreamer?"
The Drow had a slight confused look "Dreamers, Is that what they are called? No I am not. I found some of travelers who were preaching the way and they gave me this ."
She nodded in understanding, smiling at him. "They-- we?-- are dreamers because the Way is easiest to see in the dreams. These cards, I see those wanting to be like priests share with those who seem lost in some, ah, way. It is a way of helping, yes?"
Aniks nods slightly "The priests only explained basics of your beliefs and outside of them, I haven't really seen anybody speak about this or really caring around silver orbs. It is what made me remember I had this card. Sorry to say it but I have not dreamed of anything in months."
Jinne shrugged, toying with the torc-style necklace she wore as she spoke. "Maybe you have not needed the help, or maybe it is waiting. If you want, touch it to my orb before you rest. It will give you a certainly interesting dream, that way; I do not know if I said, but the orb is... special when it touches magical things."
The Dark Elf pauses to consider, but with a quick glance at the book and the odd scenario “I had a pretty good dream catcher,” He said slightly more coyly then continued with “as for you offer. Perhaps another time maybe, when we are not in such an Interesting situation. I have to ask, I once met a Priestess with a handful of silver orbs, she claimed they were a magical focus of sorts. That Orb has to be special if it can interact with that book over there.”
"You say ask, then you use no question." Jinne smiled as if pleased at herself for noticing. "Yes, orb is very special. It is... representing magic of the planet, if that can make sense to you. Like a map. Was the priestess a dreamer?"
"My apologies, my mind is running a bit thin," he said with a slight smile. "I meant to ask if these spheres were magical focuses. Sorry, you might need to explain the whole planet thing, I relatively new to magic and unfamiliar with some of the core concepts. As for the priestess, I have had very few conversations with her, so I do not know her on a personal level."
The samasaran's smile didn't falter as she glanced at the orb, still held firmly by Lyadrí. "Is not a problem. They can be foci, because they are born from magic itself. Do you know about ley-lines?"
"Ley-lines, the invisible lines of magic that run across Istralar? With my general knowledge this ‘Way’ I find it hard to see connections. Those orbs are by products of magic, I highly doubt they just pop into existence.” Then looks at the high-elf “There is no adverse side to holding that sphere to something that magical for a prolonged period of time? Too many questions but that's because of a lack of understanding from my part.”
"The smaller ones that do not do as much, they are made from special mithral alloy that is more susceptible to ley magic. If exposed in special way, the ley magic traces out a map on their surface. It is a ley network of its own that can charge from others, yes? Like making a new candle from old ones. If it is charged properly, it can work to increase spell power." Jinne seemed pleased to be able to explain this to him. "Mine is special, because it is not a unique network; it is reflection of the planet we stand on. There are not many ways to make this; it is only for those able to walk through the way. Mine, it was made by the me who lived many years ago. For ad-verse effects... it should not have--"
It was here that Lyadrí butted into the conversation, shooting Jinne an irritated look. "Do not mistake this for safe. Ley magic is incredibly dangerous for most of the population. I would imagine most would suffer serious side-effects from magical saturation were we not in a time locked dimension, similar to the effects of standing in areas of high magical concentration. Over prolonged periods of time, that would lead to spontaneous and volatile combustion. If misused - for instance, for channelling evocation magics through - this orb has potential to cause an ecological disaster similar to that which affects the Sunari." Jinne looked surprised at this revelation, but not upset.
Taking mental notes, learning anything about magic could possibly help him in the future. An orb like that could be useful to have, but dismissed the thought quickly when the High Elf chimed in. Still useful to know however. The drow’s eyebrow raised quickly but he shook his head “I was caught off by that last comment. I had forgot your a Samsaran, a race I am not overly familiar with or their special gifts. The only other thing I could think that might take a bit to explain for is the search for the true magic, the way? I might be remembering the goals of the religion? Religion, wrongly but was this organization's whole goal to find that magic? I found the explanation of the goal I was given very confusing.” Then glancing back to the sphere and the book his eyes narrowing, he spoke more to himself than the others the room “Hopefully we can avoid dangerous side effects from this interaction…”
The samsaran seemed overly excited to have found someone interested in listening to her; the elf, on the other hand, promptly rolled her eyes and went back to ignoring them. "Religion is a good description for the ones who live their entire lives trying to find what we refer to as 'the way', yes, because it is something they believe in - and is something we consider to be above the gods because of how it works. Magic, as we know it, comes into the world through ley lines and through divine gifts, yes? But these gods are not on the same Plane as us, so they could not receive magic the same way. And ley lines do not seem to extend to space. So there is a way they can send their power, yes? And, if you look further beyond mortality's curtain - how did they receive this power? We assume there is something that began the universe, that caused Asmodeus and Ihys to come into being. This 'something', we think, would be the Source of all magic. Now, think more on it - if we could find a shortcut, or a way around the usual paths, could we not access that true magic? There is more talk to be had on the differences between divine, arcane and new psychic magics, but... this is shortest description I can think of." She paused to let him consider what she'd said before addressing his final murmur. "I do not think anything should go wrong as long as you succeed in finding way through these trapped souls. Have you looked yet at the book again?"
“No, I have not. I will look over the book in a second.” Aniks glanced over to the book. What came next Aniks tried to reply in a way a friend would if they were having a conversation at a bar or on a walk. He was not trying to discount the idea of what she said, but explain what he saw as the outcome to this true magic. “Though what your saying in theory makes since, a shortcut of that nature would be extremely dangerous. Though mind you I completely understand the desire for such a shortcut. It might be slightly hypocritical for me to say. Knowing my track record of what I have said to divine figures and what’s on my wrist, but magic like that might be better left out of the hands of mortals? Now hear me out, my reason for saying something like that is simple. If it is a special magic that only deities can tap into from another plane, like you say it is, I cannot image the effects on the body if a mortal could use it. If such a magic exists then what are the odds a normal person to weild it would be extremely low. If by some miracle some person among all the races a person could wield it, they would be a singularity. They would stand above everybody else, no other person who would be able to conjure a spell would even compare. I do not think I need to explain why a single or even a handful people even able to wield such a power would be dangerous to the world at large even if they have good attention. I simply see the outcome of such a power being, less than pleasant.”
Jinne smiled almost impishly at his suggestion of danger. "If the magic wielded by deities was so dangerous, then... how do you handle it? You are not a god. There is also the magic they gift us. It cannot be entirely diluted by our own strength; the really powerful clerics seem almost like demigods themselves, yes? And, for a third point... they were scared when arcane magic came to be, because it was not magic from them. They will be scared again when psychic magic comes to light. It is not that we cannot wield the power they do. The current evidence says we can, but limited by our bodies. It is that they are scared of what might happen. If one person were to try to stand up as stronger than rest, though, is that not similar to a god ascending...?" She shrugged. "It is something we shall play with as time moves forward. Perhaps there will be reason to stop, but none of the paths I have Seen show that we need to yet."
Upon glancing at the book, Aniks would be able to notice that its shimmering pale-blue exterior no longer seems to glow as brightly. Upon closer inspection, some of the pages seem to have begun to blacken.
Aniks raised an eyebrow when glancing back at the Samsaran not expecting to turn into a debate, in a manner of speaking. With a slight laugh at the mere concept he said "I would hope I am not a god. As for clerics they draw strength from their gods , not this true magic, and if they do use that 'magic' the god would be a filter of sorts. As for
Demigods, I am not so sure about that, from what I understand of them it would be easier to tell the difference between a highly skilled cleric and compared to a demigod. Then the matter of Arcane and Psychic magic, is not fear of the unknown something that any being can experience god or not? Also that is what I was trying to get across about my comments about mortals. I am not saying that we cannot wield such a magic, but a normal person is more what I was referring to. Their bodies, the body of normal everyday people could not possible hold a power that god's draw from. If a person, a singularity, like that exists without the assistance of a god's help in controlling that power. Well they would not need to ascend would they or even be forced to, they are still mortal wielding the power of gods, they would not be bound by the same laws as gods." As he paused a thought occurred to him "You said that sphere was made by you, but a past you? Was yours the first to be made, or did your past self learn about it from somebody else?"
Jinne looked to be enjoying herself until the question about past lives. That made her happy sparkle dim slightly. "The gods should know the difference between magics and where they originate; it is the loss of control that made them more angry about arcane magic coming to be. But regarding normal people for a moment, as you say. Normal people with that much power are those who ascend already. They are the mortals installed in the outer sphere, like... ah, Iomedae, Cayden and Irori. Three different ways of finding that singularity to then be ascended, but it is not unusual in their terms to be given more power than anything else. And if they were to be powerful and try to avoid the rule of the gods, then that is why the other gods remain powerful, yes? They would control the person, at worst making repetition of, you know, the Destroyer. When the gods united to stop one of their number from destroying everything - it would not be so different to have them unite to stop one member from breaking the order. I would expect Heaven and Axis to deal with that, ah, daily?" She looked at the sphere, mulling over his final questions - clearly, that one wasn't such an easy thing to answer. "It is... hard to look into the past and see the order of things. I can see its creation in glimpses, only ever glimpses. I know there are others, but which life did I see them in? Were they before, or were they much later? It cannot be said with ease. Past my immediate previous self, things become very hard-to-see."
" I am sorry if that question brought unwanted feelings, like I said I am not overly familiar with Samsarans. I was unaware there is a limit to what you able to recall. " Then Aniks went to the first set of statements. He fold his arms making a face as if he was thinking "I guess that would be the case. The Gods would just force that one being to follow the rules or be sealed. If you use the ascended gods as example of people finding ways to tap into this true magic. However being how I was raised I am unfamiliar with those stories, save for Cayden. Every bartender knows that story, probably heard similar bets made" The last part came out slightly exasperated as if he was remember every time Cayden was mentioned while working. "However I highly doubt every normal person could be as successful as those three. As for arcane magic, it looks like history is slowly starting to repeat itself with that third new magic."
"I am not hurt by your question, do not worry. It is just confusing to look back through so much. Maybe you will see that one day, as you are the chosen of Pharasma?" Jinne suggested, waving off the apology gently. "For the other gods who ascended... ah, Cayden was one of a few who used the Test of the Starstone. Iomedae and Norgorber were two others. Irori ascended by finding perfection of the self, and Urgathoa is said to have stolen the secret to undeath from Pharasma and originated it across the planes. There are others. More among the demigods - Kurgess is son of Desna and Cayden, Nivi was turned by gambling and influences of the Underdark, and Kostchtchie... made a very bad deal with the Witches. You may find their stories to be interesting." She looked towards the floating sphere that the party had identified as leading to Canthe and Eirian. "...Talk to the cleric about the gods when you succeed, maybe? It would be good for you to know more of what you deal with." Meeting his gaze again, she seemed to think about his last sentence for a second before answering. "...It may be that it falls to us to prevent history from happening the same way. The psychics play with minds and spirits. If the gods damage those realms as they damaged the physical world..." She trailed off, shaking her head in dismay.
“I might be her champion, but I hardly understand what you mean by maybe I’ll see one day.” Aniks extended his arms yawning slightly. His eyebrow was raised about that comment. “I should really take you advice about learning the stories of gods. Besides Pharasma, I care very little for divine figures of any kinda. However I should start holding my tongue more often now. Prehabs once this is over I’ll have to pick up books that briefly go over gods and their stories. I have a lot of things I probably have to research sooner rather than later.” He deeply sighed, then stopped being reminded of Cyne and how he complained about the mass of paperwork. Aniks would try and enjoy this, it would be interesting. “Is that not why Champions are chosen, to do their gods will on the material plane. To help in times of great need? Or at least that is what they say. Only time will tell it seems.”
"The gods are ones you should learn of, yes!" Jinne encouraged, amused at the drow's apathy towards the outer sphere. "And... yes, you are chosen for the will of the gods. But, ah, you need to think of what that means. You follow their will, and if they want what you do not? ...I do not know what would happen to you, but it maybe would not be good. Your role, I hope, is to tell them the truth of things. Prevent the coming trouble through information and speeches, so they do not think the psychics are daemons trying to usurp the natural order? Your war is... two-sided."
The drow subconsciencly started rubbing his wrist, not because of the Lady of the Graves, But " " and the scars of the Demon Lords lasting marks. when she left. "I do not follow anybodies will but my own, despite being claimed by Pharasma. It’s an odd relationship, I also own her a favor or two.” Then looking away from the Samsaran. A phantom pain shot through his arm causing him to notice and stop. He had seen it with Kazric and he imagined that the transfer of the mark to his sister was a similar level of pain. “I can image the side effects of disobeying. As for the champions, I highly doubt that explain the truth is all that there is to this. Psychics like the first Arcane casters were just herald for what came next? Am I wrong?”
"...Would you answer if I asked how you owe the Lady of Prophecy a favour?" Jinne wondered aloud, missing any of Aniks's pained expressions. "I am not sure it would be rel-evant to this talk, but.. she is, of course, the most important goddess to many of my kind." She tapped her fingers lightly against her own bare wrist as she wondered aloud, before snapping back to the actual conversation. "The first arcane casters were what alerted the gods to their existence. They could not hide it forever. And then the war started. Maybe there is a way other than convincing that you can take, as part of or separately. But it maybe will not be written in history, this time."
"As I said before, it's an odd relationship. Normally I do not like revealing I'm a champion, I hate being noisly like my traveling companions. It draws unwanted attention. After what I did to the crystals I find it hard to hide that information at all from you or the Commander. Before I was championed by Phrasama, I was another's chosen. When this happened she thought it was important enough to speak with me in person. Though it was in a rather round about way of doing do so. It was mostly to warn me to not give in to the temptations of that demon, as well as a few other things." The he paused his ears slightly lowered as he spoke next. "I might of in a moment of desperation, pray or pleaded with her for protection. Not for me, both for another that was placed in a dangerous situation. She helped despite who I had asked the help for. She strangely helpful to somebody she herself said was 'one without faith.' Again another thing I am learning about Samsarans, did she have a hand in creating your kind." The drow paused thinking about that whole relationship, he of course left a lot out but still. He could not help but think how odd this Goddess's treatment him was. Especially the last time. He shook his head out of reflex tossing the idea for now out of his head for now. "I hardly think the gods are not aware of this new magic, I doubt it will be much longer before things get Interesting. In the grand scheme at least, I would find it hard to believe that another war of that magnitude could happen again tomorrow or in a month. I would in this grand game of gods , we are barely past opening moves. That's just an opinion of what I have seen."
"It is not strange for the goddess of Death to ignore your faith. If you think, many of the gods need to influence the mortal world to share power and influence from far away. But she is powerful, and she is inevitable. She does not need your faith," Jinne explained, looking intrigued about his situation. "I do not hear about her helping many, though. For that, you are special... though I think you maybe know this." She grinned, then returned to being serious. "The Lady created samsarans to perform duties that we do not understand, and to be living representation of the eternal cycle of rebirth and reincarnation - and to prove beyond doubt what happens to the ones who fall to either end of the moral scale. To be good leads to goodness in the next life and a final rest that is wonderful... to be evil damns you. It is the lesson in our biology." She paused, considering his speech. "Some will know, but many will not. The other outsiders, they are nearly certain to be unaware, or it would be known throughout time already. I do not think it will be much longer. Strangeness has become common... ah, we should hope that it has not begun when we leave.."
“Does it get boring?” Aniks said with odd look in my eyes. “Reincarnation I mean. We must be children compared amount of years you’ve experienced. Though maybe the fact that you get to experience life through different eyes each time leaves it a bit different. Sorry, it’s just rather... hard to wrap my head around that idea. A life that stretches on. If it’s a bit personal feel free not to answer.” That odd look quickly disappeared, resuming a more normal look for the drow. “I have to disagree with you there, I am not that special. No more than the others standing around us. Fate, now fate is tricky isn’t it? I guess we really won’t know about our purpose or why we were chosen till it’s closer to the end will we?” Aniks kinda weighted the next question in his head, but thought it better left for another time. Jinne seemed nice and questions about her past and her race, she was very serious about them. “You can change the topic of conversation if you would like, It seems like we might start spiraling into conversations better to another time when we have more information, or in a safer spot.”
Jinne had very clearly not anticipated that question. "Boring..?" she murmured, accent thick as usual. "It is... how things are. I have wondered if life is boring for your kin-- ah, maybe not the fallen el-- drow specifically, but... non-samsarans. You see, the many selves reflected in my soul are selves I can see glimpses of. I can travel the world and find markings that a being I once was left. It is... heavy, to find the marks of so many years past. And the memories, they give so much knowledge that otherwise would have disappeared. If I was just immortal, life would maybe become tiring after years of endless life. But that would be my fault for not enriching it, yes?" She stretched her arms wide in an open shrug. "And you say 'no more than others' whilst standing in a room containing subjects of prophecy, powerful heroes, Champions of gods and chosen of other beings. This, I think, means you are special too. What fate has in store, I would maybe think you can find out. You were talking about visiting the Bone-yard? If she is pleased, you could ask the Lady." She watched for his reaction, but continued with barely a pause. "Ah. I am not sure we have said anything too secret yet for us to need to veil it, but I understand. It will be safer when the book's reign ends and we step into... however many days have passed?"
The dark elf laughed a little at the role reversal "Feel free to ask and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability, however I do feel I may not be able to provide an accurate answer to a normal life. I've had very little time with what you would call a "normal" life." Although he didn't pause when she brought up idea of speaking to the lady of graves. The dark elf did way the idea off with a hand motion. " Well would that not just be the easy route to ask the Goddess of Fate herself. However I do not like the idea of being bound to one fate. Though the idea had crossed my mind to ask her I feel like it would be unwise to do so currently."
Jinne tilted her head sideways, observing him with curiosity. "You have not had a normal life? This cannot just be the Champions, no? Were you caught in the Purge, or other challenges?" Hey, he'd said she could ask. "I know you face differences because you are drow, but I have not met many of your kind through my travels. So, it is mainly hearsay. I have known outsider-touched twins, though. They faced... similar, I think." She looked uncomfortable for a moment, entirely of her own doing. "And you were given a way to talk to the Lady for a reason. Why do you not think-- oh, do you think that could be affecting it?"
Raising both arms in a shrugging motion “When I say ‘normal life’ I mean one who lives most of their life mostly on the surface. So I think this would fall under other challenges, I was not apart of this purge. Those other challenges just come from being raised in the Underdark. I can hardly call my kin ‘normal’ when ninety percent of the population are evil and raised in a society that favors betrayal, slaves, and the worship of demons. Of course that is normal from them.” The dark elf moves his head side to side thinking about it the come. “Though I am not entirely sure as what you mean by that, I find myself simply hesitating when it comes speaking or dealing with her. She is more than a bit intimidating, and I am very concerned at her ‘kindness’ honestly I even unsure if it’s kindness. It does not help that I know very little about her.”
"I did not realise the drow were so... cruel. How is there society when they are demon-worshipping... betrayalists? Traitors?" Jinne asked, shooting a sidelong glance in Lyadrí's direction. The elf, at this point, had moved slightly further away to pointedly not enter that specific conversation. Jinne frowned, focusing instead on Aniks's other answers. "That? By that, I mean the book. The March; the third; the sliver of legend. But if it is not that influencing you, then is just your own thoughts as you say." She considered this. "Kindness may be her reaching her goals. Or it may not be. She is a goddess; we cannot tell too much of them. Still, I am... learned in religion. What knowledge of her could help?"
“I have yet to meet a drow that I personally can call “good”. Dark elf society at a base level is a matriarchy. To say women rule with an iron fist would be an understatement, to disobey them is ground for death. In order to advance your standing as a House, or personal standing, one would often have to kill. Families draw blood more often that I could care to count. Which leads to betrayal and a lack of trust between drow. For demon worshipping, though I can only imagine demons lords find it easy to control, manipulate, and suppress the abyss stained elfs. Those who worship those demon lords can subjugate others below them. They are not people I would find myself seeking to speak with for extended periods of time.” Aniks paused making more mental notes. “Third? That is the first I have heard it been numbered. If the topic is still Fate that we are talking about, this is how I view this. If I were to ask The goddess of Fate on my future, I might create tunnel vision focusing far to much on her words. Locking me into that one fate, not to mention in legends of prophecy few every escape their fate. Which is not something I think anybody would be a fan of. As for her and religion, I know her general distaste for the undead. She judges everyone and will judge everyone before having them pass on. My knowledge is basic ranging from her spheres of influences to her general likes and dislikes. At this point any information to understand this goddess would be helpful.”

"I had thought most of the rumours to be only that. I did not expect the dark elves to have such... stain. Taint." Jinne murmured, obviously shocked. "It is good that you found a new family, then? We are alike in that. My adult found family were better than the ones I was made to grow with." Instead of lingering, she quickly went back to the more important topic - Pharasma. "I... in honesty, I do not know why it is the third. The number, it came to me mid-sentence. But regarding fate. I think you would never find the Lady one to give you answers that would make you fixate upon them. To force you into a fate like you say, it is not what she does. She would give words, but to shape or hint instead... I think." Jinne wasn't about to give a certain answer on the goddess's behalf. "What you are not considering is the cycle. Life unto death. You say she is a judge, but that is only the end. Remember that she is also Mother of Souls; she is the beginning as she is the end. You must also consider how things have... changed. Prophecy is not Fate, and Prophecy has grown less strong as the threads of time travel forward. This... has already changed her followers. For you as a Champion.. I am not sure how that will affect you. Ah, but the other champions are of different deities, yes? She is neutral with most at official level, but... she has friendships. I know she was seen in the realm of Desna once. You could use this, one day."

“Even rumors have grains of truth in them. Dark elves are not even complex, nine times outta ten you know what your going to get while dealing with them. As for family, I could call some of them that.” Aniks was slightly confused about her shock. Do people not know how evil drow can be? Were some people raised to believe that drow’s acts were nothing more than rumors. “If it was not for my family, I would not be thinking so hard on this. As much as I like to ask the Mother of Souls for hints at my future. Would you also not worry about the hints she gives, if they possibly tell of a future that was less than desirable? To be fair I will not know till I try, but I would rather to try in more favorable times. Her areas of concern are something I should probably be more familiar with, there is much to learn. I have to say, I am rather unsure how she falls into the beginning of one’s journey of the soul or as a living being? The remarks on prophecy were just an example of people in legends. Being a champion would and probably will change people destiny. As for the Lady of Grave’s friends, that interesting. With her line of work, I am surprised she even gets time to relax with a friend.”
Jinne was amused at Aniks's confusion, much as Lyadrí seemed amused at his words. "...You are surprised at my surprise? I grew up on a very small island. The only drow were in stories - the kind it is not good to believe." She offered him a smile. "I am glad you have a found family instead. It is better that way. As for what the Lady might say? Prophecy and fate already guide my life, so my words will be, ah, biased. But if you received hints that you did not like, then you would be able to anticipate the darker changes and find way to improve the outcome. Divining tells us these things." She paused at one of Aniks's statements. "You do not know how she represents the beginning? Two of her divine areas are birth and rebirth. She knows when some-one is born, she can see their fate, and she guides their soul and rebirth. The samsarans, we are physical representations of her status as a shepherd of life and death. The roles are equal in importance." She seemed almost shocked that Aniks had missed such an important detail. "With her friendships... I think that is why she has the psychopomps. Even the divine must have time to attend other business, yes?"
“I was, I have never been on a island. So the thought had never crossed my mind. What were drow then, some tales to keep children from sneaking out or else they would be kidnapped?” Aniks shifted his weight. “Another way of looking at it. It could be used to avoid those darker time. I slightly hate that you have convinced me to ask pharasma in the near future about these topics. Being born in the underdark, I was not taught about the surface gods. Only on Demon Lords I had some semblance of knowledge, but my family was not one who power was based in clerics. I really only learned about surface gods 2 decades ago, and cared very little for the religions. So no, I only knew Pharasma as the Goddess of Death. Birth and rebirth, that is new information. I had no clue how far her realm of influence extended.” He paused considering how much Pharasma knew about somebody's fate once they were born, he looked at the spiral tattoo on his wrist for a moment. How much did she know? “ Yes, Psychopomps...those beings that guide the souls to the afterlife. First time I meet one they tried to kill us. I have to say the thought of Pharasma taking a break to relax with Desna or another gods asuming.”
"...You have not been to an island?" Jinne seemed confused at that concept. "But... everything is an island, if you think on big enough scales..?" She shook her head, moving onto his other questions. "Drow were the villains, the ones we were told stories of to make sure we would never disobey. We did not want to be taken like that, yes. You assume mostly right." She smiled impishly at hearing that she'd managed to influence him a little. "It is good for you to ask things! Through knowledge, we can make better decisions. And it is odd that you were never taught more, but... is better to not have false propaganda in your mind to get rid of now that you are free of them. If they had taught you that she was evil, you would have more trouble... why did a psychopomp try to kill you? You were raising the dead?"
“By that same logic, you could easily say that nothing is an island and the oceans are nothing but large bodies of water. I have seen the Ocean but I have not traveled to an island.” With a smirk at her words about the drow he said “Even when you should be completely safe from Dark Elves, they are still used as a cautionary tales. They are a good example to use to scare children into minding their parents words.” The impish smile did not help him feel better about asking Pharasma anything. “ I would not say it was that odd, my ‘house’ was not one who was powerful because they had clerics. We had some but few, so religious studies were not the forefront for young drow to learn about. I do not think it would have been much of a problem, I had somebody teach me a fair bit about the surface. As for that Psychopomp, it happened probably right after I meet them…” Gesturing to the party, doing whatever they do. “I cannot remember the reason behind why he attempted to kill us, it happened so quickly after entering the boneyard. I believe he said that living things should not be here, or something along those lines.”
Nodding at Aniks's words about the islands, an idea struck Jinne. "Are the drow also the monsters used to scare.. the other drow?" she wondered aloud. "It is good that you had some-one to teach you of the world. Religious knowledge, spirituality... it has been part of my life for so long that I do not know what I would even be like if I had not been raised with it. One of my previous selves, she was a cleric - so it has even been present in my dreams and memories. Knowing only of demons, it is not a kind way to live." She frowned, thinking on the psychopomp issue for a moment. "You were not invited? Then I am not surprised. It maybe thought you were ready to practice the darkest sorts of necromancy. You know, the types that involve souls."
"No, not in such general way. Even at a young age Dark Elves are conditioned to the monstrous acts they come in later in life. Demons, Devils, and everything in between is more of the stuff of the stuff that feels dreams of children. I can't imagine that it was a very pleasant life your former self had. What an interesting story must be able to tell if you could remember. As for religion I understand the necessity for it I've never found it important." Then pausing realizing something. "Again it happened a while ago, so I cannot say for sure. Now as for the practice of necromancy, that would have been impossible. I've only been able to cast spells for 2 months."
"You have only cast spells for two months?!" Jinne had planned on addressing his first sentences, but that-- that changed things. "That cannot be right. I did not imagine a goddess would choose such.. inexperienced champions? You are not all new to this life?"
“An unattended side effect of dealing with these artifacts...” His voice showing a clear vexation for the incident. Though his tone changed after that “I will admit though I have lost most of my skill with blades. It has been a rather pleasant experience trying to come to terms with these abilities.” The dark elf cocked his head to the side and looked at the Samsaran “No, I would hardly call us inexperienced. We have all dealt with some troubling problems in the past, it’s just a recent change that I was able to cast this arcane spells.”
Jinne frowned, slowly understanding what he meant. "So, you were adventuring and then changed? This was... before or after the mark chose you? I did not think the Lady of Graves would bestow arcane magic, but the elves - and drow by extension - are innately magical. So, it could be more that?" The way she was looking at him - it was more as if he were a puzzle, now, rather than just someone to talk to. "Such changes are very rare, no?"
“Correct. I was championed by another at the time, while the change happened but within the week I had removed that mark. Very painfully I might add. The Lady of Graves had nothing to do with the arcane transformation and neither did the other one. As I said it was a side effect of deal with artifacts, well that is my working theory at the moment.” The drow paused. Thinking about the transformation, trying to ignore the odd look the Samsaran was giving him. “In a world full of magic? I could hardly say, I am still finding out I *now* have more languages stuck in this head of mine. As for the rarity of these events, I can image there have been changes as drastic in the past similar to mine. If they have been recorded or not is beyond me, and I would have to find that information myself.”
"The marks are removeable?" Jinne seemed somewhat horrified by this concept. "I do not want to imagine that pain. Were the artifacts like this one? They do not seem like the type to give without also giving something bad too, no?" She looked contemplative as she considered this new issue. "More languages. Are you certain a druid did not-- no, you are not an animal... These things, they do not happen spontaneously that I know of. It is usually fated in some way, perhaps in prophecy, and triggered by beings interested in causing the occurrences. An aboleth taking a slave would maybe raise their intellect and teach their tongue, but I do not think it is their power to give arcane magic. These artifacts, do you know what they were linked to? In creation?"
“Apparently they are, but on a hunch I took a gamble.” A gamble which he was still unsure of the outcome for now. “Similar in catagoritory prehabs, as for the negatives for a transformation like this. Besides the exchange between my former skills, and the arcane ones. Well if you consider having flirtish blade summoned as a outcome of this, share your thoughts on occasion as a negative then no. The negatives have been few.” Aniks could swear he could see the gears turning in this blue girls head. Before saying anything he recalled some of the new languages. “I would hate finding some ancient scroll somewhere that says I was prophesied to have this change. As for beings, Pharasma herself has said we have attracted the attentions of being across the cosmos.” Then a pause. A longer pause came from Aniks “I do know where these artifacts are connected to, however I hope you can understand giving out information like that is dangerous. The less people know about these the better.”
"Your point is very strong. Information is dangerous, especially when books are stealing the text written in our world..." She shot the March a wary glance. "Do not think I am trying to convince you to share - your secrets are to be kept by you - but do you not think that this information on Champions is also very dangerous? If many find that you were able to lose a Mark, it is possible for you to become targets for the power-hungry. Especially if it has a relation to magical power. That is one benefit of divine over arcane: it is rarely useful to try and steal divine power from another mortal, for it is not our power to give out. But the arcane, it comes from you." Jinne blinked. "Ah. You very much do not like fate, do you? Prophecy is not bad."
“I am glad you understand that, as for the champions. Champions are still but myths to people, given time the people will find out they exist again whether we like it or not. People will seek us out for good or bad reasons. Thus some of the knowledge of Divine Champions will return, these artifacts however should be destroyed from history. As for the marks I hardly doubt anybody without power equal to or greater than to the divine figure that placed them could remove it, a mortal such as myself could never remove a divine tattoo. Though in the future I will attempt to do better in keeping that secret a bit more quiet.” A deep sigh came from the drow at the last part. “It is not that I hate fate or prophecy, it that I have a problem with not have a free will of my own. Choice, having my choice is important, I do not like having outside forces decide what is best for me.”
"It is not the divines you need to be very concerned with. Imagine a dedicated cleric of Fumeiyoshi learning that his god had chosen another. To prove his dedication, he finds and slays this Champion and uses the magic of the grave to raise the former as his... puppet, then declares to the god that he has become superior. For the darker gods, they might agree and approve of this." She watched him carefully, brushing her fringe out of her face. "Nobody with sanity will wish Pharasma's anger. The others, they are more at risk. Information is power, and you are controlling it at the moment... so you must be very careful." Changing tack - and tone - completely, she suddenly smiled. "Prophecy and fate do not take free will. It is form of divination. The forces you talk of, they look at how your actions will occur and make prophecies on their best guesses. It is why they are usually general - because many times, the path walked is not obvious. There is one of me, but it is so vague that I cannot find much aid from it - only bear expectation, from the interpretations of others. It is no more a chain than anything else in this life."
"I do not need to imagine something like that, since I've already seen something similar happened like that. I would think The gods have different selection processes for their champions." He thought about it for a moment. "I do have to thank you the information you gave me, and for the words of warning." Aniks was once again slightly thankful for the topic to change. " Perhaps I do miss understand, it is one of those topics that I must be ill informed about. If you have what about yourself do you think that is why you keep showing up in these archives, or do you think that is some other reason entirely?"

Continue reading...

  1. Journal #1: Welcome back to the land of the living.
  2. Journal #2: The Gods speak to us, sort of.
  3. Journal #3: Magic is kinda bullshit, stay away from Licia.
  4. Journal #4: The Prince is not a Prick.
  5. Journal #5: Introduction of Celuriel
  6. Journal #6: Everybody loves the bar.
  7. Journal #7: Getting to know the vampire.
  8. Journal #8: The Vetala [Text Roleplay]
  9. Journal #9: Undria
  10. Journal #10: We adopt or kidnap a child, still unclear on this one.
  11. Journal #11: Mirror World
  12. Journal #12: Recovery from the world.
  13. Journal #13: Dancing with Vampire and Political Problems.
  14. Journal #14: About Sir Pennswaggle
  15. Journal #15: This Temple is Odd
  16. Journal #16: The Half Elf Liese
  17. Journal #17: Warning Ashlyn did not help her.
  18. Journal #18: Priestess with the Silver Orbs
  19. Journal #19: Celu is reading romantic books.
  20. Journal #20: Demons, Dungeons, and Dragons OH MY!
  21. Journal #21: Regrets.
  22. Journal #22: Demon's Champion [Text Roleplay]
  23. Journal #23: Homecoming
  24. Journal #24: Castle Umbra and their Bloodwalker.
  25. Journal #23: The Grand Game
  26. Journal #26: All magic comes at a cost.
  27. Journal #27 The capital and asking for diplomatic immunity.
  28. Journal #28: Teaching Celu Undercommon
  29. Journal #29: Pray to Fate
  30. Journal #30: Mistakes we're made, Surprisingly it wasn't my fault this time.
  31. Journal #31: Why am I Orpheus?
  32. Journal #33: The 'safe' return of Eurydice
  33. Journal #32: Back from hell [Text Roleplay]
  34. Journal #35: Fey Friends.
  35. Journal #36: Life before The Lost Ones
  36. Journal #34: Her thoughts on life. [Text Roleplay]
  37. Journal #37: Departure
  38. Journal #39: The Apology [Text Roleplay]
  39. Journal #38: Black Marble floors and apologizes
  40. Journal #40: The Lost's One's Save Christmas; what's Christmas again?
  41. Journal #41: The Elder Sister [Text Roleplay]
  42. Journal #42: Dear Niks
  43. Journal #43: Family Matters
  44. Journal #44: The Samsaran and Her Dreamers [Text Roleplay]
  45. Journal #45: 3 Years well spent.
  46. Journal #46: Emperor Aneirin of Aletheia
  47. Journal #47: Matron Nivinle Alas'thil [Text Roleplay]
  48. Journal #48: Not Alone
  49. Journal #49: The Dark Spire [Text Roleplay]
  50. Journal #50: Death's Champion
  51. Journal #51: Desk Duty of the Spire [Text Roleplay on going]
  52. Journal #52: Longest Four Days of Our Lives
  53. Journal #53: Stolen Book [Text Roleplay]
  54. Journal #54: Basics to Necromancy, why is this even a book.
  55. Journal #55: Soul to Soul Talk [Text Roleplay]
  56. Journal #56: Gold is not what King’s Envy
  57. Journal #57: The Trail of the Sapphire Shrine
  58. Journal #58: The sign says it all
  59. Journal #59: The oldest sister
  60. Journal #60: A bartender once again.
  61. Journal #61: The Dreamcatcher
  62. Journal #62: Discussion and a price that will be payed.
  63. Journal #63: The Five Stages
  64. Journal #64: Ring of Amethyst and Diamond
  65. Journal #65: Clash of Ideals
  66. Journal #66: A Friend and A Story
  67. Journal #67: The Nature of the Shards
  68. Journal #68: Return of Black Marble [Text Roleplay]
  69. Journal #69: Broken and Forgotten Shades
  70. Journal #70: Forging Bonds
  71. Journal #71: The Haunted Fey Mansion
  72. Journal #72: Another Shard
  73. Journal #73: Dancing with Demons in the pale morning light
  74. Journal #74: The Succubus's Ultimatum
  75. Journal #75: The City of Twin Souls
  76. Journal #76: The Worry of a Barkeep.
  77. Journal #77: Have a Little Hope.
  78. Journal #79: Dreamwalker Jinne [Text Roleplay]