Lazkisabit Tropics Geographic Location in Acostria | World Anvil

Lazkisabit Tropics (Laz-kiss-ah-bit)

Vollox continued running through the jungle, he knew the creature was at his heels, only the trees slowing its advance. "Is anyone there, I need help?" his voice echoes into the Canopy.

In the distance he sees one of the white trees, a sign that he is near home, and he sprints towards it leaving his spear behind.

As he begins to hide in the Spirit Willow he releases the creature has caught him and he closes his eyes to accept his fate. Seconds late he hears a loud grunt and he is covered in blood.

Stood between him and the creature is a Female Snake, a Yuan-ti with a greatsword draped in blood.

The creature, slashed from brow to jaw and now blind in it's left eye roars and retreats into the jungle.

"I should've just left you to die" says the Snake, "But it would've damaged my Spirit Tree".

Vollox stands, "Thank you, could I at least get your name?" the young Lizard asks.

"Zeltliess, and I do not care for yours" the snake snaps back as she cleans her sword and starts to walk back to Ixtapal.

"Well I will join you, maybe you can teach me to defend myself? Someone will have to defeat" he ponders for a moment before writing something in his notebook "Scarach the Mighty Rex"

Zetliess replies "Do what you want, if you want me to teach you I will, but you better be willing to learn"

The Lazkisabit tropics take up most for the north of Kraios and are split into 3 main parts, Lazkisabit North, Lazkisabit South and Lazkisabit West. The Jungle is thick and Inhabited with a wide variety of species, it is the only place in the world where Dinosaurs have been found and houses many temples of forgotten religions.


The Jungle is huge, it spans almost 100,000 square miles and is the home to many ancient cultures. It surrounds the Moon-Blessed Peaks and contains the Tribal Pass. The location contains millions of beautiful trees and hundreds of rivers.


The Lazkisabit Tropics is considered one of the most deadly areas in the world with it's poisonous insects and its hungry Dinosaurs. The jungle is the very embodiment of Kill or be Killed. The tall trees provide shelter for the many beautiful birds and smaller creature able to fly or climb. The plants out there are even more deadly, it is rumoured that some of the flytraps in this region can digest an Adult Rex in under an hour.

Ecosystem Cycles

Due to the season never changing most animals in this region have adapted to contain an internal body clock to determine when to migrate for nesting and reproducing, and for some to figure out when this time is to hunt while other species are more vulnerable. Usually when it becomes time to rest most creatures will make their way to the shores of Kraios or the Moon-Blessed Peaks. (This usually correlates with the season of Spring everywhere else in the world)


The jungle remains in a permanent state of summer experiencing large rainfalls throughout the year with can last for days at a time making the air very humid, sticky and uncomforatble.

Natural Resources

Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
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