The Sea of Tears Geographic Location in Altaros | World Anvil
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The Sea of Tears

The Sea of Tears, or just more often called 'The Maiden' by the locals, is a large ocean between Madovar and Altaros, Aberronia bordering it in the North. The Sea has a string-shaped archipelago in the middle of it, which is called The Maiden's Belt .

There is an old legend on how the sea got its peculiar name. Once, when the world was still young, but after the dragons and the fey creatures had arrived, there was a fair young elven woman. She was beautiful and graceful, but also favored by the gods. She became the first champion of the benevolent gods, fighting against the Darkness that tried to take hold of the world. Theomachy was able to continue on, the cycle renewed, but the maiden succumbed to all the wounds she had received in the great final battle. When people of the world heard that, so many tears of relief and sadness were shed that an ocean was filled with them. That's also one of the explanation of the salinity of the sea water.

Nevertheless, nowadays the Sea of the Maiden is an important home for many people in The Maiden's Belt archipelago. It's also an important waterway from Aberronia to Altaros and to the rest of the world, even if its waters are treacherous, especially due to the huge maelstrom in the north-eastern part of the sea near the border of Kastradal. The most important island in the area is Malvere.
Alternative Name(s)
The Sea of the Maiden, The Maiden, The Aberronian Sea
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