Latrium's Failure Military Conflict in Bardic Verse | World Anvil
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Latrium's Failure

As the Foere Empire tried to secure all of it's holdings, one area was given to Baron Latrium to maintain control over. The goblin tribes in that area were united by Kormias, an azure goblin who claims some divinity to his name. Charismatic, intelligent, and as apt with sword as with spell, his troops conquerored town after town, causing the empire to retreat into itself.   Latrium was outclassed and out armed at every turn. The goblins moved too fast and hit too hard before any counter attack could be mounted.   Blame on the lost holdings was placed on Latrium to protect the honor of the Overking of Foere who was chasing the Huun invaders as they fled the Bard's Gate seige.   As the goblins holdings grew they soon came upon the same issues faced by the Empire: overexpansion. Knowing that they were soon begin pressing into other kingdoms, which would trigger fighting on multiple fronts Kormias needed a diplommatic solution.   Kormias negoatiated a peace deal with Foere, mediated through Bard's Gate. This insured that the largest powers in the area would both agree to the boundaries of this new goblin kingdom. Another part of the terms required Foere traders to make routine trips to the goblin lands in order for a steady stream of trade to bolster setting up a new economy.   With an energetic group of goblins Kormias' claws, he set them to scout the The World Spine and found ancient sites containing useful artifacts.   With secure land to call their own, valuable exports, and a steady stream of human caravans, Kormias has a strong start to his new kingdom. Will this be enough to survive the chaos that the world has been thrown into?

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Cover image: Tavern Interior by Dean Spencer


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