The War that Started all Wars Military Conflict in Elios | World Anvil
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The War that Started all Wars

Over 10,000 years ago, three races were at odds with one another over who the land belonged to.  
The Dwarves were from the hills and mountains. The Humans lived on the plains, prairies and light wooded areas. The Elves dominated the forests and protected the Gnomes and Haflings.   Each race lived in peace for hundreds of generations.   The Humans began to reproduce more than everyone else and needed to expand. This led them to explore the hills and mountains in the north for resources as well as the forests in the south. This need for space by the humans began to enrage the Elves and Dwarves, which in turn made the Humans start raiding both races.   The fighting went on for generations, almost wiping out all of the Elves in the region along with the citizens that called the cities home.

The Conflict


Battles were fought all over Elios. They eliminated the Elven tribes from the Colvair Forest and Marsh Lake. They ran the Dwarves deep into Dragon Spire Mountains and away from the shores of Riverton.

The Engagement

The humans did not have any trouble engaging in battle anywhere or with anyone. They fought entirely for their kingdom and the crown and with no care of the consequences.


Villages, towns, cities and entire populations were slaughtered.


The trust between nations has been shattered and war between them erupts without notice.

Historical Significance

History will show how ruthless and careless the human population was during the reign of the Epsodine line. It will also show the resilience of the elves and dwarves. History will not mention the terror given to the Halfling and Gnome populations that lived with the elves and dwarves.

Technological Advancement

The ingenuity of the gnomes and halflings may be what started to turn the tides of the war. Many different weapons, siege engines and defenses were designed and build by them, but all the credit will go to the clan that they lived with.
Included under Conflict
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
53490 WM
Conflict Result
The races of Man, Dwarf and Elf are in constant war with one another, with no end in sight.

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Forest Elves

Led by


The forest elves were very well adapted to jungle warfare and deadly with a bow. However their numbers quickly began to dwindle due to the vast numbers of the humans.


75% of the elven nation has been eliminated from the surrounding human kingdom.


All the evles want is to be left in peace and tey are willing to go through great lengths to do so.


Mounted Warfare and strength


The dwarven clans have lost thousands of people, but it is not known how much loss they have had.


Stop the humans from advancing into their lands and taking their resources from them.


The humans strength is their numbers and greed. They will stop at nothing to take all they want.


The human population is so vast and expansive that the amount of casualties are pretty insignificant.


Expand, grow and dominate everything.

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