Material Plane Geographic Location in Faerûn | World Anvil

Material Plane

The Material Plane is the plane in which the various worlds of the multiverse exist. The "reachable" parts of the plane are located within crystal spheres, which are in turn located within the astral plane. However, the material plane is not necessarily located within the astral plane. Instead, the material plane is partially intersected by both the astral and ethereal planes. This is more evident with the border ethereal, which allows a creature to see into the material plane - but not the other way around.

All of Realmspace is located within the material plane, as are other systems like Greyspace, Krynnspace, Athrasspace, and Mystaraspace.
Alternative Name(s)
Prime Material Plane
Dimensional plane
Location under
Color Pools
Ethereal Curtains
Metallic silver or turquoise
Tuning Fork
Steel, C


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