Neensera Geographic Location in Iphars | World Anvil


Neersera is a floating islands that floats around Branul and appeared fifty years ago, with The dawn of magic.


Neensera is a floating island that is mostly a mountain with a bit of plains arround it. There is a river in the southern part of the island that starts almost at the top of the mountain and falls over the edge of the island.

Atira's mountain

Atira's mountains is located in the middle of Neensera and is similar to a volcano that has been ripped of its magma chambers.

Filla's meadow

Filla's meadow is a plain terrain thar surrounds Atira's mountain, full of strange flora that remainds of underwater plants.

Dary's cry

Dary's cry is a river that goes from the top of Atira's mountains and crosses the southern part of the Filla's meadow, ending falling of the edge of Neersera.

Fauna & Flora

The flora located in Neensera are stranges plants that have been muted because the magic while the island started exiting the ocean. This plants still have the forms their predecessores had when they were underwater. The fauna of this place has starting appearing after the island was fully outside the water, and is mostly flying species such as Icno and flying birds.


Terral is a species that evolved from coral. They are now coral like plants that have grown colourful leaves everywhere their bodies. They still reproduce has coral does.


Saarth is a low tree with a giant flower where the canopy should be. They have big and long roots that are moslty in the surface.


Feri is a anemona like plant that has some kind of vines that crawl Saarth trunks. These vines have leaves when they are near the Saarth's flower.


Neensera was once part of the ocean floor, with a coral reef on it. With The dawn of magic, this terrain started floating and slowly reached the high that is nowadays, floating around @bra.
Since then, flying species of animals have started making this island their house, learning how to live with the plants that muted to be able to live here.
Prompt 19: Describe a location in your world that is brimming with diverse or bizarre flora and fauna.
Island, Floating
Location under
Characters in Location

Natural Resources

This island is rich in fossiles of aquatic animals and plants, the soils is rich in minerals, and the mountain has large deposits of charcoal and iron.


This island is almost never been visited by intelligent species, except for some casual person taking here by flying animals either to be eaten or to save the person. The island's only "visitants" are the flying animals that like to fly far away from time to time.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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