Amalgam River Geographic Location in Loa Dena | World Anvil
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Amalgam River

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A roaring river is just another one of natures songs.

Amalgamation Treaty

  Named at the end of the Founding Wars, where the seven clans of the Breayea continent were finally united under one banner. Through the means of negotiation and conquest the Ronchem Tribe had fortified itself as the rulers of the land. The fealty treaty that was signed by the clans came to be known as the Amalgamation Treaty and was signed on the location of where the new capitol city would be built.
The Amalgam River was renamed this day in the idea that as long as the river may flow the Empire will flow on through time unhindered.  

Soithune, the Capital

The Amalgam River is named after the treaty that was signed by the ruling Cheifs of the seven clans when they where brought under one banner by Lord Ron-Chemtal. Named the Amalgamation Treaty, signed into date on the first day of the new year brough an end to a decade long war between the conqured and the free clans.
Currently two-hundred years since the treaty was signed the current ruling Monarchy has ensured that the cities districts are properly managed by civilian reperesentatives that report directly to the Kings Council. Still governed by the bloodline of the Ronchemtal the Capitol has grown and it's use of the Amalgam river has supplied the necessary freshwater and life into the city.  

Almora, North and South

The cities of Almora are seperated by a large waterfall that crests over the Trodeen Cliff face. Several miles north of Soithune and easy accessible via boat from the Amalgam River.
North Almora is a large mining town that houses some of the most advanced mining machinery in the world. Although harsh, the living standards of Almoran tenants is failry well off as most Operating Foremens spend a great deal of money on training their employees they want to ensure that they continue to work with them rather than hoping to any of the other mining corporations that inhabit the city.
South Almora is a fairly different story, typically used to collect and ferry goods that come from Soithune and North Amalgam it is based at the bottom of the Trodeen Waterfalls and in such is constantly bathed in mist. This depressing and humid atmosphere has become a den for thieves and smugglers looking to cut the profits of the mining corporations any way they can. If someone needs to get out of Soithune for sometime, this is typically their first stop.  

Verdant Valley

This stunning valley cuts right through the heart of the Khomorian mountains whos beautiful black peaks reach high above either side of the river. Beautiful shades of green lush grass slowly become engulfed in the encroaching sands of the Sinking Sand dunes, giving life to all that skitter on the edge of the vast desert. The river turns a darker blue as it passes through the Valley, gathering massive amounts of sand and other minerals as it flows south-east through the desert.


Cutting a continent

Fresh water rolls from the Trodeen Mountains through the Mining cities of Almora and through the continent of Breayea before it passes through the Verdant Valley and cutting through the Sinking Sands. Beyond the sinking sands it gathers large amounts of resources and sediment that it carries to The Expanse sea where it pours out feeding the many different ecosystems that exist within.

Traversing the maw

At it's thinnest point the Amalgam river is nearly half a mile across and can be anywhere from a few inches to several hundred feet deep, this leaves open cause for River drivers to spin wild tales about what may live in the dark waters deep on the river bed.

Tro-mora Waterfall

Nestled between the North and South cities of Almora, the Tro-mora waterfall falls nearly a hundred feet off the cliff face before reaching the floor below. Causing a this mist to permiate the area and covers South Almora in a fine mist.


The fresh water that is produced high up on the Trodeen mountains in the form of glaciers and ice falls, melts through out the year and feeds the river with the much needed fresh water as it carries its self down the continent.
Once it passes through the Verdant Valley it begins collecting sand and minerals from the sinking sands pulling it out to The Expanse.

Ecosystem Cycles

North Almora freezes over in the winter months, slowing water flow to the city of Soithune, but creates a prime opportunity for large mining operations to be had in the Trodeen Mountains as large amounts of equipment and goods can be stored on the large sections of ice before being delivered down the Almorian Waterfall to be delivered to Soithune and beyond.
  Trout and other fresh water fish travel from the Northern river banks to the Sinking sands with the changing seasons and spawn just beyond the Verdant Valley.
Birds make pearch along the lenghty cliff face that juts just on the edge of the Trodeen Mountain and offers yearly respite from the changing seasons.

Natural Resources

Heavy/Rare minerals are mined from the many mountains to the North, with the river being used to Ferry them down to Soithune.
Sand is gathered from the southern river just beyond the Verdant Valley and sent back to Soithune to create great works of art with glass.
Fish and large game are commonly found within and around the river year round, creating a well regulated hunting and fishing network.


Many folks from Soithune and beyond collectively travel to see the great works at the Almora city, as well as the beautiful waterfalls that pour over the cliff side.
Many Bird Watchers, Fisherman, and other outdoorsy folks find their way to the Amalgam river, driven by it's diverse and bountyfoul river banks.
At the northern most part of the Amalgam River sits a large lake that remains partially frozen year round. Lying in the middle of several towering mountains it makes for a difficult area to thrive in, yet it creates a prestine gallery of ice formations that have long stood for generations.
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Jun 5, 2022 23:23

I can understand the tourists wanting to see those Almora cities. Those waterfalls must be quite a sight.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Jun 10, 2022 13:49 by Chris Sullivan

Feel like I should have added more artwork to my page. Considering that lifetime Grandmaster just for that tag alone.

Creator, Community Manager, and most importantly a Father.