Jellnev Desert Geographic Location in Sammerden | World Anvil
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Jellnev Desert

The Jellnev Desert is a large expanse covering the top third of the Jell' peninsula, which has given its name to the Empire which - since the exile - has dominated the peninsula and controlled (at least nominally) the desert, using its northern edge as their northern border.   The desert stretches almost all 1,000 miles across the top of the peninsula, and runs 300 miles north to south. It has never been full mapped and - with a few notable exceptions - it lacks oases or means to support life. This has made it an effective barrier for all but the most determined (or deranged) travellers throughout history. The central portion of the desert is rockier and less filled with dunes - this hosts the only two established paths which cross the desert from north to south. These rely on what few oases there are convey travellers north to Weldmere, or south into the heart of the Jellnev Empire.    The inhospitability of the desert meant that, for much of history, the borders of whichever states controlled the peninsula ended where the sands began - and the borders of their northern opponents ended on the banks of the river Het, 300 miles north. The desert thus acted as a vast no-mans land, with no powers able to attack the other through it - and each easily able to regulate the few access points to habitable routes. This did, however, make the desert an ideal location for bandits, outlaws, and all those who wanted to escape the two powers either side of the expanse.   In the years following the Exile, as the Jellnev Empire was again expanding to dominate the peninsula, the last of the great 'Sand Kingdoms' rose in the rocky centre of the desert - centred on a long-revered oasis. This short-lived rebellious 'kingdom' was powerful enough at its height to dominate both of the roads through the wilderness, and effectively cut trade between the recovering powers of Jellnev and Weldmere. Unfortunately for the rebels, this brought an unprecedented reaction, with the Emperor and the King of Weldmere personally leading armies into the desert. Three separate armies converged on the vast outcrop now known as Farhad's Fist, and after a bloody struggle (and cunning subterfuge), destroyed the rebellion to the last man. The Sand King Farhad bel'Uem fell in the centre of his desert palace - his name and legend living on among the independently minded folk who still live beside the great oasis, hundreds of miles from civilisation.
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