The Mistress Character in Soul Jars | World Anvil

The Mistress

Welcome to Soul Jars! In the city-state of Amathus, Galáteia awakens millennia after her death in a new artificial body and with no memory. A magical soul from the ancient imperial family, she is bound to serve her creator, given a knife and pointed towards a rival's tower... Come explore this new world with her!
Introduction to the story | Galáteia | Soul Jars | Novella upcoming

The mistress is one of the Merchants-Mages of the council that rule Amathus. Like all of them, the mistress is powerful and ruthless.  

Early life

The mistress started their life among all the poor of Amathus, undistinguishable from everyone else. This only changed when their magic potential was noticed by the right person.   Master Pugmalíōn was one of the first of a new generation of Merchants-Mages in Amathus. He was a crucial figure in the political movement who expelled all foreigners from the city and re-established its status as a city-state. That ensure him an important role in the newly formed ruling council. Immediately, he started consolidating his position and eliminating rival with the view of crowning himself as the new Mage-King and start a new Propoetides empire.   In order to do this, he recruited promising students such as the mistress, taking them from the poor of Amathus so that they would all be grateful and devoted to him. He taught them how to wield their magic and secrets of artefact crafting that he had developed while attempting to reproduce what the ancient Propoetides civilisation had been able to do. Foremost among those was the secret of the creation of artificials. Although he did not managed to make full automatons like the Propoetides used to have, he saw the requirement of a soul to animate them as a minor inconvenience. After all, it was not as if a city as big as Amathus is ever lacking any...  


When he was ultimately murdered by an alliance of his rivals, his students had grown enough to stuck out on their own and claim their own place on the council. Despite being a tight-knit group during their studies and still maintaining the illusion of it, they have now all become bitter rival and do not hesitate to murder each other in their quest for power.   The mistress is not one of the most powerful among them, but she is certainly the most cunning. She played the alliance game with them and participated in a few duels as expected of her, but she did most of her murdering being closed doors. Her magical strengths are perfect for this, as they do not lie in raw power but in the magical binding used to create and control artificials and in establishing and—more importantly—bypassing wards.   Her quest to improve the weapons at her disposal led her to force her way through the impenetrable wards of the ancient Mages-Kings' mausoleum that lies below the streets of Amathus. There, she found the soul jars of the imperial family, and a ready-to-use supply of even better quality souls. This led to the creation of Galáteia, an artificial with unprecedented magical talents and whose loyalty is made unquestionable thanks to the mistress's magical binding.   With her assistance, the mistress quest to become the only Merchant-Mage left in Amathus can start in earnest...

Table of Contents

Galáteia and the mistress by Annie Stein


Short grey hair
Green eyes
Pale skin
lined face
Average height  


Strong magic
Great at wards and binding magic  


Eliminate her rivals on the council and become the Mage-Queen of Amathus

Cover image: The Mistress by AmélieIS
Character Portrait image: Galáteia and the mistress by Annie Stein (nnie)


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