Erkisium Settlement in Terraloga | World Anvil
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Erkisium is the capital of the Protectorate of Erkin, located on the Gate Lowland next to the Wall of Irgian. The town is served to maintain and garrison the wall, especially the main gate for controlling the access between the southern and the midland.

Found in 575 BVE, the town was initiated where the main gate were placed, where two mountain ranges joined together. Afterward, it thrived into the bigger town with permanent population.


Although the wall existed, Erkisium also has its own fortification, but it was after the first occupation. No matter how far it is, it's built with stone bricks to connect with the great wall with the slight less thickness.


The town has been renamed several times in the past. The first time when it's established was Erkin, the name of the country nowadays, mocking the enemy's civilization Empire of Kritus to show that the Irg was superior. Later on, the town was pillaged by such an enemy. It's renamed to Kisium to mock them back - for almost 400 years. Nevertheless, when the town was returned to the republic, it'd been renamed again with the same principle, Erkisium.

Founding Date
575 BVE (as Erkin)
Alternative Name(s)
Erkin, Kisium
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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Author's Notes

12/9/2023 - Post-WE edit: Tags added
8/1/2024 - Icon added

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