Empire of Kritus Organization in Terraloga | World Anvil
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Empire of Kritus

Empire of Kritus was an independent state in South Estisia. It was known for the vast territory consisting of the entire east coast.



The empire was ruled by the emperor, who determined the fate of the people and production. Even so, he still had to listen to the Council of Kriton, the emperor's counsels, to made the decision.

/*The Council of Krin consisted of aristocrats from around upper-class family*/

Administrative Divisions

/*The capital found between river intersection, protect them from the enemy(if they're close enough)]*/

Kritus was divided into 4 major regions, consisting of 20 provinces and 1 non-state territory. Each of them has its own capital city and industrial focus.

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/*Show Spoiler
by adcheryl

Region Largest City Focus Note
Kriton Knirk Farming The empire's capital.
Durin Duris Forestry The region were connected to the northern jungle. which they claimed the ownership, providing plenty of wild foods and woods.
Ohuna Ohugas Mining, Metallworking The hands of the empire. About seventy percents of military equipments came from here.
Traetis Trart Trading, Fishing The eastern gate of the continents, simillar to Valonia.


The empire was formed at the river's triangle in 1247 BVE. With their war-tradition, they extended themselves for centuries. State by state, they grew to its greatest in 543 BVE.

At its greatest, the empire controlled the entire east coast of South Estisia and most of the center. They even had an ongoing campaign on the southern region to expand influence on its local power, Irgia Republic.

/*Kritus fought Kingdom of Valonia for a long time*/

However, since 203 BVE, the empire began to lose territory due to internal unrest, loosed government and environmental anomalies.

/*Kritus still hold its name until 203 BVE, the empire started to fall apart. Even the empire was shrunk as size as the Kriton district, However, it still holds a bunch of functional armies The last emperor, Kolonus, decided to order the remaining army to conquer the west.*/

The empire was coming to an end after an unexpected, decisively victory of the Valonia. The treaty was ratifiled on 14 April, 0 BVE, marking the end of the empire, and the beginning of the new one.

/*Unfortunately, the Empire faces the cease of existence in 0 BVE, when they lose the war to Kingdom of Valonia, marking the end of the empire/*and the beginning of the new one*/


/*The fast-paced war on Valonia regained their reputation. They sacked them in hope to recover their economy. Unfortunately it's too late for them. On 15 BVE, the empire lost Valonia, which took a chance to fight back. With their underestimated on little kingdom and their brand new strategy, the thousands year glorious empire, was finally collapsed.*/

/*During the late empire, they lost most of its land. Now the rest of them becomes the part of the Valonia.*/

/*Now the kingdom has slowly declined, some land and talents are lost. But somehow, they're back.*/


After they lost the war to the kingdom, the emperor Kolonus had been forced to abdicate, giving all the power to the kingdom.

/*The Treaty of Krink between the King Valus Rarmon and the last emperor Kolonus, was signed at the capital where it's capitulated, officially mark the end of the empire./*The government were dissolved and reformed again, with no vassal at all, now they became vassal.*/


The territory of the empire had come to its greatest in 543 BVE. From the northeast of Grand Range to the big Gate Valley and the East Coast of South Estisia.

However, as Kritus pregressed, the empire rapidly fell apart. The actual cause was unknown but mamy historians agreed that it's started after the end of the Ohuna Unrising, led to the seperation of the region, started in 200 BVE to 30 BVE.

The occupation of the Kingdom of Valonia would be the final straw of their expension, before losing again until the end of the empire.

543 - 203 BVE
42 BVE


Foreign Relations

The empire had rivalry attitute toward Kingdom of Valonia. The government tries to claim and manipulate them for centuries by many ways from political infiltration to economic embargo, since they believed that Valonian was descended form them due to cultural similarity.

/* and the legand that their first king came from here was still unrevealed*/

At one point in history they fought against each other back-to-back to show who was more superior. The result was the teach and propaganda and people's hatred, which lasted longer than the war itself.

/*For example, any goods from Valonia was prohitbited.*/

In the late empire, they moved toward to fight former province states reclaiming them instead.


/*In order to control over the massive land, the centralized road system was required.*/

Just like any big civilization, every cities is connected by paved roads, all lead to Knrik.

For the People of Kritus

by Adcheryl
The Empire at its greatest (543 BVE), non-state territory shown in a striped pattern.

1247 BVE - 0 BVE

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Eastern Empire, The Old Lord
Successor Organization
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Kritus Coin: a single-side cased silver or gold.
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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Author's Notes

I need some feedback for improvement, you can criticize as you want!
4/2/21 - slight improvement

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