The Claw of the Creator Building / Landmark in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Claw of the Creator

The Hand of Artukos

The binding seal cannot be broken. It will never be broken. The visage of Artukos, the remnant of Artukos, his legacy, will never be destroyed. They cannot be destroyed.
- Mândri, the Fagnaór of Pride
Although the Palace of Artukos was razed by the rest of the Lordly Pantheon at the end of the first age, that is not to say that the palace was completely destroyed. One last piece of Artukos luxurious home still remains buried underneath the rock at the peak of Mount Karar'at, which is referred to as the Claw of the Creator. Adjacent to the palace of Artukos once stood a massive statue in his likeness, created by the toiling of the enslaved Finite Races. After Artukos was slain by Viabaas at the pinnacle of the Wraith Globe, the statue fell, as if knew that its mirror image had fallen as well. However, the massive ring worn on the finger of the statue seemed to contain some sort of magic seal, keeping the left hand of the statue completely intact. No matter how hard they tried, the Lords could not break the seal, and so they chose to bury the hand underneath the rocky mountainside. The Claw of the Creator is still there, the loose stone around it dislodging slowly until the defined edges of the Lord of Wraiths' fingers and the sealing ring became visible around the year 486 Partum Globus.

Purpose / Function

The original purpose of the Statue of Artukos was to show off the splendor and luxury that the creator of an entire world could weave together. It served to show the true strength and influence of the Wraith Lord. This was part of the reason that Artukos created the Finite Races, to create monuments such as these in his honor.
172 PG
Founding Date
104 PG
Alternative Names
The Hand of Artukos, the Hand of the Wraith
Parent Location


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