Zezhuanth desert Geographic Location in Undinia | World Anvil
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Zezhuanth desert

Home to the once-great draconic empire and known as the cradle of civilization the now desolate land holds little actual life. A myth talks about how it was once a lush jungle but Zezhuanth, the dragon that gave the desert its name, destroyed it to deny the Phervians it's bounty. Many druids discount this myth though pointing out how a jungle couldn't survive with the little rainfall the desert gets due to the Dragon-Teeth mountains. While most surviving cities like Drake Vil and Drakith survive by being on the coast, Vakava is an unusual example of a town still in the heart of the desert. Despite the lack of resources, the area is one of the wealthiest, primarily due to the Dwarfs of the north end of the central mountains transporting goods down the river to the silent lake.


A vast desert with a single river flowing through the middle. A few sulfurous lakes dot the land with a few shadowy outcrops dotted around.

Ecosystem Cycles

Most creatures hide away in the day only coming out at night.

Localized Phenomena

A heavy constant Sandstrom blows continuously for several miles inland of Drakith, This never stops causing a thick layer of sand to cover everything. This compares to the light cloud cover that surrounds Vakava, dropping the local temprature several degrees.

Fauna & Flora

Though most of the area is devoid of life, some lizards can be found by the river, sustaining themselves with fish and insects, that eat algae from the river bed. A fruit baring plant can be found growing around the sulfur lakes, though this is toxic to just about everything not basically made of fire. A spinx is also said to be around the Vakava area.


Once the capital of the Draconic empire out of Drake Vil it fell to the great Illithid empire that also built their capital of Zigarith, at the edge of the vast desert. Since the fall of the Illithid empire, the area has mostly been controlled by city-states.


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