Freesoul Species in Valleris | World Anvil


The Free-of-a-Soul, abbreviated simply by Freesoul, is a necromantically engineered species. "Free-of-a-Soul" is a reference to the fact that Freesouls are produced by necromantic reanimation spells after the soul has left its body. Necromancers can perform a soul extraction on a body, or the soul can naturally exit at the end of the host's life cycle (a condition also known as death).   Freesouls were engineered to do a necromancer's bidding and provide labor in both domestic and business environments.

Basic Information


As the product of necromantic magic performed on a formerly living creature (Soulcage) , an individual Freesoul's anatomy varies, most often mirroring the limb structure and overall shape of the creature before it was relieved of its soul. For example, if the Freesoul was a human when it still harbored a soul, then it will typically retain a human's two legs, two arms, face, and so on. If the Freesoul was a squirrel, then you can imagine that its undead form would be some variation of squirrel-like appearance. The number of limbs of any Freesoul can vary, because some subjects can lose their limbs in the process of reanimation, or their limbs or different body parts could be utilized for other purposes at the necromancer's discretion.   An exception to the rule is the stitchcraft creation. Stitchcraft is a discipline within necromancy that focuses on combining ("stitching") one or more Freesoul specimens together. These creatures vary by necromancer, as each has their own preference or style. Some can be 10-foot-tall bodies with 20 heads and no arms, or they can be ghouls with the legs of massive spiders. The combinations can be quite limitless!

Genetics and Reproduction

Freesouls are incapable of traditional reproduction methods. They are only created through reanimation spells performed by a necromancer on a deceased (or near-deceased) Soulcage.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Freesouls do not need to eat or drink the same type of food that it preferred in its Soulcage life, however they do benefit from a regular diet of reinvigorating substances, such as denatured soul extract (not to be confused with pure soul extract, which might subject the Freesoul to Noumenatism), fiendbark, leeching basil, unicorn blood, steeling oil, etc. A healthy diet for the Freesoul will help replenish Psionic reserves and boost productivity and "liveliness."

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of a given Freesoul is dependent on its commanding necromancer -- the person who reanimated the Freesoul in the first place. As long as the necromancer lives, so will the Freesoul (barring any incidents of unsightly Withering or Post-Reanimation Noumenatism). Upon the death of the Freesoul's necromancer, however, the Freesoul will fall inanimate. It can be salvaged by another necromancer in some cases, but Freesoul bodies are quick to decay postmortem, depending on how long it had been in service, so salvaging can be difficult.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Freesouls tend to lack traditional hearing and sight capabilities. For all intents and purposes, they are blind and deaf. However, since they are magically created and necromantically engineered, Freesouls all possess some measure of Psionic power. Freesouls communicate outwardly through telepathy, but they can receive auditory information whether it is spoken or telepathic. Psionics also allow Freesouls to detect surrounding objects in the way that sight would, and some Freesouls have been reported to possess telekinetic powers as well. Some Freesoul animals, such as cats and squirrels, are thought to be able to detect thaumaturgic weather patterns, including psychic storms.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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