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Eternal Grandmaster


Heidi Einarson | Member Since 22 Nov, 2019
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Interests & Hobbies

I love musicals! Before COVID hit you'd rarely find me without a ticket to see something - touring production or a local production it didn't matter. My favorite musical is Spring Awakening  but the most fun musical I ever got to see was Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812.

Favorite Movies

I am a huge fan of horror films! Some of my favorites are The Conjuring (1&2 specifically),  Hereditary, and Suspiria (2018). Outside of horror, I also love Disney animated films!  My favorite Disney film is Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Favorite TV Series

It's not often I miss an episode of Critical Role and that is the only show I regularly watch. Other than that, I loved The Exorcist tv series (especially season 2), the first two seasons of Penny Dreadful, and Legend of Korra!

Favorite Books

I'm trying to get back into reading more. As a kid I read a lot more but I fell out of love with it. Some of my favorite novels though are Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, the Scooby Doo Apocalypse comics, and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

Favorite Games

Since I came into possession of a PS4 and a PS5 I've really dipped into video games a lot more. The new Tomb Raider trilogy will always hold a special place in my heart, but after beating Persona 5 Royal that is probably my favorite game. I also enjoy Bioshock (though I haven't beaten it yet...glitchy game D: ) and I also really loved The Last of Us series.    In terms of tabletop - I love Arkham Horror, Sleeping Gods, and Gloomhaven.