

Paul Denkenberger | Member Since 17 Dec, 2020
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I've been writing fantasy stories since fourth grade. Though, I took a break to write a lot of other stuff. Now, I write a lot of stuff, including fantasy/sci-fi stories. I love RPGs, but I have never played one at a table. I've DM'd a few times for my kids, but they didn't like it. I draw maps, invent stories about the places on those maps, and quietly sit in my corner watching the world be crazy while I figure out a way to put it in my stories. If you like what I post, I am very happy for you. If you don't, I am also happy for you. I am as open to feedback as an introverted old man can be. If you really have an itch to say something, let me know. I don't bite (most of the time).

Interests & Hobbies

Foraging wild plants and mushrooms, Bird Watching, Hiking, Psychedelic Experiences and Therapy, learning new things

Favorite Movies

Kentuck Fried Movie, Citizen Kane, Lord of the Rings, Princess Bride, Anything Mel Brooks, Anything Roger Corman

Favorite TV Series

Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Antiques Roadshow

Favorite Books

Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide Series (Yes, all five), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Non-fiction

Favorite Writers

Hunter Thompson, James Riley, Frank Baum, JRR Tolkein, Christopher Moore, Bill Bryson, David Sedaris, Ray Bradbury, Ursala La Guin, HP Lovecraft, Mark Twain, EA Poe, Please stop me...

Favorite Games
