I just write for fun and to express my creativity.
Archaeology, architecture, fine art, sculpturd, fashion, sustainability, community building, microbiology, ranching, motorcycles, kayaking, EVs, vacationing, insect agricultute, cults, space travel, oceans, caving/spelunking, urban decay, DIY, equality, solitude
Brazil, Goonies, Rubber, Priscilla queen of the Desert, Fear and Loathing in LV, Mad Max series, Predator, Ferris Bueller's DO, Blues Brothers, Aniara, Fight Club, Akira, Spaceballs, Blazing Saddles, Fistfull of Dollars, Bladerunner, Zootopia, Westworld
Red Dwarf, Curb your Enthusiasm, Rick & Morty, MST3000, Animal Cops, Japanese gameshows, Monk
Journey to the center of the earth, 21 balloons, Ermydion, Earthsea, Don Quixote, Anathem, Snow Crash, Johhny Mnemonic, Clockwork Orange , Watership Down, Animal Farm, Sphere, Red Mars
Neal Stephenson, Ursula k leGuinn, Charlie Day
Fallout, Farkle, Sim City, Rimworld, Project Zomboid. GTA, Gran Turismo, Apples to Apples, Grim Fandango, Inner World, Scrabble, Among Us, Animal Crossing, Klondine SLT, Death Stranding, Metal Gear V, Graveyard Keeper, Aaaaaah for the awesome, Cornhole