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Webbed Clip of the Arcane Key

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires Attunement

A clip of silver metal that is shaped such that it would fit over the webbing between your fingers. It looks like it is meant to slot into something larger.

Fluid Step. While attuned to this item, you have advantage on saving throws to resist effects that attempt to restrain you. Additionally, you may use an Action to cast Misty Step on yourself, an effect which the item cannot reproduce again until after the next dawn.
Part of the Whole. As an action this item may be attached to or removed from the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key. While attached, no creature may be attuned to the webbed clip unless they are also attuned to the gauntlet. Additionally, the webbed clip does not count against the number of attuned items while it is attached to the gauntlet.

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Statblock Type

