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Research Weakness: Disease and the Undead - 8400 AXP

TIER THREE FEATURE: Research Weakness: Disease and the Undead

This feature grants you the Research Creatures ability as detailed in the Researching Creatures in Apendix A. You may only use this ability to research creatures with the Diseased or Undead type, and you may use an Investigation, Animal Handling, Nature, Medicine or Survival check to complete your ability. You may reduce the time it takes to research a creature to 30 min if able to physically examine or watch the creature or species in question. Or you may spend two action points to use the Research Creatures ability as a full action. Additionally, you may lower the DC of your research check by 2 for every additional feature you take from the Research Weakness Feature Tree: Research Weakness: Beasts and Plants, Research Weakness: Monsters, Research Weakness: Disease and the Undead, Research Weakness: Humans and Androids, Research Weakness: Aliens.


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Statblock Type

Element 133 Class Feature
